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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Foxx

    Napf Island A3

    Good to see some progress here! Really looking forward to this one. Sat Image looks really nice so far btw
  2. Great Pack, great quality and good support..
  3. Foxx

    Gruppe sucht Mod-Server!

    Ich biete weniger..und das mit guten Gründen.. Wir bieten keine Zombies und kein CBA. Warum? Die Zombies sind zwar ganz nett, die Scripte sind aber miserabel und die "KI" ist strunzendumm, wenn man sie nicht massiv aufpoliert! CBA ist zwar mit ein wenig Arbeit realisierbar, kann aber auch Sicherheitslücken auf dem Server öffnen.. Wir bieten kein SMA an, dafür aber die HLC Mods (Waffen in sehr guter Qualität - vergleichbar mit RHS/A3 Standard) Wir bieten kein TRYK an, dafür aber in Kürze das Uniforms-Pack "Project Honor". Weniger Quantität, mehr Qualität. Außerdem ist TRYK offiziell seit gestern unsupported vom Ersteller. Enhanced Movement ist bislang noch nicht installiert, wäre aber sicher machbar, sobald unser Coder wieder etwas mehr Luft hat. Ansonsten gibt es eine Beschreibung und Übersicht unserer Custom-Features hier
  4. Foxx

    Edge of Sanity | STAFF WANTED

    Thx for your applications guys! I will talk to the team on saturday and will let you all know about it via PM
  5. Moin Leute, wir von Edge of Sanity suchen auf diesem Wege Unterstützung für unser Dev-Team! Wir betreiben aktuell einen Exile Chernarus Server mit rund 40 aktiven Spielern und planen in Kürze mit ein bis zwei weiteren Servern (1x Altis "Normal" und 1x Hardcore Survival) Ingame-Admins Du solltest idealerweise über 18 Jahre alt sein und natürlich über TS3 verfügen. Des Weiteren sollte dir klar sein, dass der Missbrauch von Admin-Tools ein absolutles No-Go ist. Coder Du solltest idealerweise über 16 Jahre alt sein, die Addons besitzen und natürlich über TS3 verfügen. Kentnisse im Bereich SQF sollten ebenfalls vorhanden sein und sich im fortgeschrittenen Bereich befinden! Solltet ihr Interesse haben, meldet euch bei uns auf dem Teamspeak ( oder schaut auf unserer Webseite rum und lasst eine Bewerbung da. __________________________________________________________________________________ Hey guys, we're looking for some support for our Dev-Team! We are currently running an Exile Chernarus Server with about 40 active players and plan to go online with one or two more servers soon (1x Altis "Normal" and 1x Hardcore Survival) Ingame-Admin You should be 18 yrs old and have TS3 installed. Furthermore it should be self-explaining to you, that abusing the admin power isn't allowed to anyone. Coder You should be at least 16 yrs old and have advanced knowledge with SQF and other Arma related stuff. Also you should have all the addons downloaded. If you are interested contact us on our Teamspeak ( or have a look on our website and post an application there.
  6. Foxx

    Edge of Sanity | STAFF WANTED

    I know that also younger players can be mature..but our personal experience showed, that most aren't...that's why we're looking for guys 18+ as we're all 18+ in our team..
  7. Foxx

    Edge of Sanity | STAFF WANTED

    Looking for Ingame-Admins!
  8. Foxx

    Car Keys and Locking

    Sad that the voting seems to end like this...Keys would have been so much better then these lame code locks.. but yeah
  9. Foxx

    New Website Theme Problems

    This happens, if you used a custom font yeah
  10. Foxx

    New Website Theme Problems

    Way better One more issue encountered..the unlike button is completely white
  11. Foxx

    New Website Theme Problems

    How about allowing users to change the forums theme between dark and light style? For me the light style was better to read...this mix of black, grey, white is harder to read for me at least for longer timer
  12. Foxx

    Napf Island A3

    Well..what should i're my personal hero! By far the best A2 Map and the only map i really liked so far in the Arma series..we used to run it 2 years on our A2 OverPoch server..can't wait to see it in A3!
  13. Da der Server live ist, bitte ein entsprechendes Topic im Server Showcase erstellen. Danke!
  14. Foxx

    Hardcore servers - Any good ones?

    well you could try ours then...
  15. Foxx

    Amazing TeamSpeak Alternative!

    Unfortunately you cant host it yourself..before they Moved it was unstable due to massive ddos from time to time..hope this is fixed since they moved
  16. Foxx

    IT07S ScarCode script!

    This isn't related to the Exile development. Moved to general programming talk
  17. Well, just tested ingame..and yes, the Bambi Overall is overpowered, too, combined with a Vest.. We've used a 5.56mm gun with an ammunition that causes 11.56 damage. I've used the V_PlateCarrier2_rgr vest (60 Armor) next to the Woodland Camo and the Bambi Overall and a Full Ghillie..Got shot from the exact same distance 4 times and healed myself after each try to 100% 1. shot: Vest and Woodland Camo - I took 3% damage (97% left) 2. shot: Vest only - I took 34% damage (66% left) 3. shot: Vest and Bambi Overall - I took 3% damage (97% left) 4. shot: Vest and Full Ghillie - I took 12% damage (88% left) Basically the complete damage handling is bullshit as I don't know a uniform IRL that reduced damage of a bullet..but anyway...they shouldn't reduce the damage even more than the ghillie as you can imagine what happens with a combination of the woodland camom, best plate carrier (204 armor) and best helmet with 12 armor...
  18. Reported since it was introduced...hope it will be deleted or the meantime we deleted it from our server as it's completely OP combined with only get 1-2% damage if you get shot by a 16 damage ammunition..
  19. Unfortunately this one got closed already before i was able to reply.. The script will be converted to Exile sooner or later from Senfo/Creeper..
  20. No zombies and not Esseker, but you could check out our other features here. Cheers
  21. Foxx

    [SOLVED] Namalsk Status

    We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  22. Foxx

    [SOLVED] Namalsk Status

    It's done when it's done.. Calm down and relax..
  23. Foxx

    Please help me!

    Learn how to add this stuff to your server