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About Ghost_RSA

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  1. Ghost_RSA

    Chernarus 2035

    @rb19810507 the link seems to be broken?
  2. Ghost_RSA

    Dedicated Server @home with Chenarus 2035

    Thank you, Much Appreciated!!!
  3. Hey everyone, I need some detailed assistance PLEASE "insert puppy dog eyes here". I have a dedicated server at home running Exile with DMS on Altis for me and my son. I would like to change this to run on Chenarus 2035 with DMS and EBM. I've gone through all the posts I could find but I keep missing something in either the pbo creation or whatever but I just can't get it to work. I spent most of Saturday just trying to get EBM to work without luck. is there anyone here that will be a good Samaritan and help me get this done. Either with a detailed guide (like the server setup guide) or with the files I just need to copy and paste with their locations? I know this is probably a very big ask, but I would appreciate it greatly!
  4. It works like a charm, thank you. However now I enter the server and I only see grass?
  5. I can see my server, join it but gets stuck at waiting for server to load. On the server list it says creating but the TADST log shows connections but then shows player disconnecting after a while.
  6. Ghost_RSA

    THANK YOU Exile Team.

    No Doubt that this has been long overdue! Thank you guys! You guys have given something to the WORLD. From here in South Africa to the US, Europe, etc it is thoroughly enjoyed!
  7. Ghost_RSA

    Ghost's Exile Adventures

    I'm back with more.......
  8. Ghost_RSA

    Ghost's Exile Adventures

    Four friends out in Altis.......
  9. Ghost_RSA

    Time to say goodbye.

    Good luck @MrWhite!
  10. Ghost_RSA

    Ghost's Exile Adventures

    After a forced break due to some technical and real life issues I'm back and I took my friends along.... Hope you enjoy.
  11. Ghost_RSA

    [SOLVED] Connecting Failed

    This turned out to be an &^%$* that hacked my Wifi and downloaded over my connection. This killed all my other access.
  12. Ghost_RSA

    Devs.. If you must

    @Boxman80 I'm with you, 100%. Personnaly I would like to see something that leaves the player with atleast something after being killed. For instance if I get killed (which by the way happens alot) let the owner of the fatal bullit choose between taking my gear or my money that I have on me not both. That way I can still have something after the fact and the killer can then pick his bounty of choice. If a guy is then killed with 100K on him the killer scores, if the guy has very little money take his gear but atleast he has something to get him back in the fight. But that being said that is my wish/ opinion. What ever happens or whatever is implemented, play I will play, at the end of the day its still only a game.
  13. Ghost_RSA

    Devs.. If you must

    Will that not be the case as well if the player had all his poptabs on him? Would it not then be even worse if a guy for instance was on his way to a trader to purchase a vehicle of 50K and a new spawn with a pistol shoots him in the back and scores 50k instantly? By the time the guy gets back to his body the new spawn is long gone and tabs probably already spent at the trader gearing up.... With a % drop atleast the above mentioned is mitigated some what..... I think that is one of the major concerns currently, If there is no way to safe guard the money you collected the risk of a casual/ new player getting lucky remains the same. The main problem or initial problem statement was that Exile is becoming to easy... I agree however if transporting money to and from your base is going to be the only way you can purchase anything from the traders, I can see a lot of guys loosing their money constantly when trying to get from their base to the trader. Once your base is descovered and its found to be to complex to raid you'll just be camped and as soon as you leave your base you will be killed and the money you have or saved for that very important money storage safe stolen. And this is where I would like to chime in on the solo players side, you cannot in that scenario expect the solo player to win against a group. Even if he is the most stealthiest of player he cannot see all around his base at the same time when leaving. So either he will not build a base or very seldom leave his base if he did. Alternatively the solo player will play only when the groups and clans are not on the servers.
  14. Ghost_RSA

    [SOLVED] Connecting Failed

    I'll give it ago this evening. However this morning I tried again, I simulated everthing exactly like last night, Web browsing, TS connected, etc. The only change was that my wifes laptop was not on and I could connect no problem.... Could it possibly be something being block by my wifes PC on the LAN at home?