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  1. i have used this fix to stop vehicles exploding and it has worked, although the vehicle seems to be locked.... have i missed something out? i cannot enter the vehicle unless i attempt to hotwire it....
  2. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    now working in v37B - thanks for the fix just one more question... i noticed this line -1339,-1340, // custom infiSTAR dialogs (some editor & a private chat menu) amongst the IDD's..... what and where is the private chat menu? that would be a pretty cool feature in infistar
  3. Eggbox

    Restart warnings.

    same here... turned off and using infistars warnings without problem
  4. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    you're the man !!
  5. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    02-03-2016 09:24:22 | BANNED | Eggbox | Eggbox(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) | 0h 18min 36s | KeyUp eventhandler changed/added: ID 2 should be 1
  6. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    just tested.... deploy bike doesnt produce a kick but the take crate option in R3F does
  7. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    I wont be able to test until tomorrow I will try it out first thing and post results
  8. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    awesome thanks again
  9. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    it happens on 'take crate' in R3F also thanks for the help
  10. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    only custom scroll menu actions from addons like... R3F logistics deploy bike enigma revive advanced banking i have no custom keybinds of my own... only those that the players set themselves for exiles action keys (lock, 3d marker) i tested in normal player mode and deploying bike and picking up a crate produced kicks for these actions with the key checks enabled, i then disabled the key checks and the kicks went away
  11. Eggbox

    keystroke up/down kicks

    hi again, the check for keystroke up/down in V37 is causing me some player kicks for legit actions i have in the scroll/action menu such as 'deploy bike' , 'take crate' , 'load into/out of vehicle' .... etc i have CAP = false to accommodate this but the with the keystroke up/down check = true i get kicks when the options are used any way to whitelist these ? thanks in advance
  12. Eggbox

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    i think i know what he means............... i had this problem too with DMS when killing an AI, it adjusts the wallet amount to show what money you have earned from that particular mission only.... overwriting what you had in wallet beforehand it goes back to normal whenever you buy/sell something from traders or on server restart.... i stopped this issue by disabling pop tabs for killing mission ai as many players were just farming the ai from a distance for easy money (especially on large missions like merc base) and were not interested in looting
  13. Eggbox


    hi there... i use this, it may be just what you're looking for
  14. Eggbox

    Exile Player On The Players It Says

    glad you were able to figure it out