ok so i have read thru the most recent change log "unnamed" and let me just start by saying i am not pleased! the main reason why ppl took to this mod in my opinion is because all the things epoch did wrong you all did right. the added rep system and the focus on pvp was a big thing that epoch couldn't compete with... that being said, one of my favorite aspects about this mod was the freedom to build my base as i saw fit with no item limit or height limit. now you are taking that away. this is not a survival mod and neither is epoch just because you have to eat and drink doesn't classify it as such. in these type of mods ppl want to horde items like weapons and building supplies. the recent changes to the vehicle carry weight makes no sense what so ever in my opinion the hemmit should carry 15000 weight there should never be a decrease in capacity and there should never be a limit in building that's just my opinion what does the community think?