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Everything posted by redbutterbox

  1. redbutterbox

    [UPDATE] VCOM AI (Exile 1.0.4)

    New Vcom3 (script version) works like a charm. Running Vcom with A3XAI and DMS. AI are suddenly smart. Do remember to add to CfgRemoteExec: class VCM_ServerAsk { allowedTargets = 2; };
  2. redbutterbox

    Best place to rent a server

    Dedi - Highly recommended.
  3. Works fine. You use it as a server-side mod, no need for A3Launcher to list it.
  4. redbutterbox

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Works like a charm. Finally some mission cycling.
  5. redbutterbox

    Need help with wages code

    I tried this in initPlayerLocal (custom being our custom code folder): #include "custom\wages.sqf", no result, nada? What am I missing? UPDATE/SOLVED: The #include has to be at the very beginning, even before checking for headless clients or server instance: // // initPlayerLocal // #include "wages.sqf" if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; // ...more code ........ Ty MGT!
  6. redbutterbox


    [NOR/EU]WestVikings Redux|Zs|Fishing|Sell crate|Vec|Rappel|Enh-move|Tow|Custom Chernarus Redux Welcome to WestVikings Chernarus Redux - the latest in apocalyptic warfare. Four mature, active admins with 15k++ Arma hours between them. Noob friendly. Militarized. "We made a server we like to play on." Mods required: Exile, Chernarus Redux, CUP Weapons, CUP Vehicles, CUP Units, CUP Terrains Core, Ryanzombies, Chums buggy, NIArms complete, Fox Survivalcars, LAGO Biken Anti-materiel rifle Extended Base Mod, Advanced Urban Rappelling, Enhanced Movement, Features: Custom respect based load-outs Custom "impossible" AI City with insane loot Custom military roadblocks w/cars,gear Custom buildings Custom loot types Custom loot spawn in boxes Custom Radiation zones with epic loot Custom traders Custom Black market unsafe-zones Custom missions Custom cap missions Custom military check-points Custom AI Heli patrols Scary zombies in big cities and military installations *only* Enhanced movement Rappelling from heli Advanced urban rappelling from buildings Wages - paycheck every 5min. Fishing - get rich quick and easy Vector building Vehicle loading (IGI load) Advanced sling loading Sell whole mission crates 15k start cash Heli spawns Plane spawns Virtual garage Lock grinding Base spawn Safe/flag/container hacking Extended base mod CUP vehicles Fox's survival cars/Chums buggy NIArms - complete CUP weapons LAGO 20mm sniper 3 hour restarts Loong day, short night WestVikings Facebook group: WestVikings Steam group: Happy hunting!
  7. redbutterbox

    ARMA C#/JS/Python Extension - Compile on the fly

    I have the same question as above - can I use this with Battleye active on server? (thought all external calls to DLL's would make Battleye go apeshit unless whitelisted.) I can see a bright future replacing a bit of exilemod script with equivalent native code.
  8. redbutterbox

    Use MariaDB instead of MySQL

    Exotic? You did read the MariaDB is a binary drop in replacement for MySql right?
  9. redbutterbox

    Extended Base Mod

    Possibly infistar anti-glitch teleporting them?
  10. redbutterbox

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    How to revert to the old Arma v1.64: - right click arma3 in steam - "properties" - "Betas" - Enter this code: Arma3Legacy164 - "Check code" - From the drop-down list above, select: "Legacy - Legacy build 1.64"
  11. redbutterbox

    Can't enter the lobby.

    It is usually the enclosing bracket or parenthesis before the block you are in. ...or a missing/superfluous comma, semi-colon, quote or array value before the line reported.
  12. redbutterbox

    Using Status Bar Real Server UPTime

    did you ever get this working?
  13. redbutterbox

    [SOLVED] DB Error Over Night

    Glad to hear it works :-)
  14. redbutterbox

    [SOLVED] DB Error Over Night

    The you have the wrong DLL
  15. redbutterbox

    Player joining taking forever

    Go QGS, we run with them as well. As far as I can recall, the price is higher but not double. They are currently upgrading their hardware for even better performance.
  16. redbutterbox

    Can't enter the lobby.

    You cant truly trust the reported line number. When the script is being read and executed exile/arma will try to read as far as it can until it realises things don't make sense. Look further up for a mission/or extra bracket, semi-colon or comma. Notepad++ is great here because is has "find matching bracket".
  17. redbutterbox

    Client Error

    That's because you are no longer verifying players files: verifySignatures = 0; You don't check you don't get any kicks naturally. This setting should be: verifySignatures = 2; So that that players gamefiles are verified against the server. Atm this seems to kick a lot of people who (may) have currupted/hacked files on their drives. Just search for "signature" here at exilemod. What you are doing with "verifySignatures = 0 " is remove checks that players have the same PBO's as the server. That means hello hackers with menu injectors and players with wrong version mods, which is a whole new set of problems. Pick your poison :-)
  18. Ty Z80, will pass on your test results to our server population.
  19. Great to hear the solution solved it.
  20. redbutterbox

    [SOLVED]Database saving Issue

    DMS is out with a new version. Worth updating just to avoid failed function calls.
  21. That's battleye, not the server commands in arma. Works wonders on our server.
  22. Maxping works well in your server config. Came a few updates ago in arma. (Battleeyes version is still out to lunch.) You need kickClientsOnSlowNetwork = 1; ..otherwise the laggies just stay :-) Kicks the odd player from time to time, but doesnt react to spikes(which is good.) Our laggy overseas players have stopped coming, which is actually good for the rest of the player base :-) Ps! Running 15-35+ players with DMS and zombies (approx. 30-60 AI). Ye old shameless plug: rgds Rusler/redbutterbox Had a player in from Thailand(server is in UK) with ping 350-800(!), complained that our server was laggy. Knew I had to do something then. lol
  23. Lower your maxping a fair bit perhaps? We are running with maxping 250, which is fine for 95% of the players on the same continent as the server. YMMV Side question: does anyone know usefull values/examples for maxdesync/maxpacketloss?
  24. redbutterbox

    How and where to set Save timer

    I would assume this is done by the exile server code and you would need to create an override custom function(s) to do it. Would *not* fiddle with that unless you are 100% sure what you are doing.
  25. redbutterbox

    Trader Values

    Maybe I am misunderstanding your question, but trader items and their values should be in your mission pbo, not the DB.