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Everything posted by EDG

  1. I got a restriction 0 today after the update. I know that this practice is not good but i have disabled battleye. I guess that infastar will stop most of the problems. If someone can help me then please do so by possibly editing my scripts.txt also will provide the scripts log. PS i am aware that i set it to 1 i was testing passive mode and still got kicked.
  2. Ok so thanks to @Seth^^ i finally got auto restarts to work on my server. It was no simple task as it was not in detail. This is why i decided to make a in debt tutorial giving all the credit of coarse to @Seth^^. Install Go to your arma 3 server root folder and open up mpmission, then you want to unpack the Exile.Altis pbo. Open the unpack pbo and create a folder called restart. In that folder you will create a SQF file called ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check and drop this code in that file and save as a SQF. /** * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_restartTime","_restartMessages","_useAutoKick","_kickTime","_lockTime","_uptime","_timeTilRestart","_time","_i"]; _restartTime = _this select 0; _restartMessages = _this select 1; _useAutoKick = _this select 2; _kickTime = _this select 3; _lockTime = _this select 4; _uptime = call ExileServer_util_time_uptime; _timeTilRestart = _restartTime - _uptime; if (typeName _restartMessages isEqualTo "ARRAY") then { if !(_restartMessages isEqualTo []) then { { _time = _x; if (_timeTilRestart < _time) then { if !(ExileSessions isEqualTo []) then { ["notificationRequest",["RestartWarning",[format["Server restart in %1 min!",_time]]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; }; ExileServerRestartMessages deleteAt _forEachIndex; format ["Restart Warrnings for %1min sent",_time] call ExileServer_util_log; }; } forEach _restartMessages; }; }; if (_timeTilRestart < _lockTime) then { if !(ExileServerIsLocked) then { "#lock" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; "Server locked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; ["notificationRequest",["LockKickWarning",["You will be kicked from the server due to restart."]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; ExileServerIsLocked = true; }; if (_timeTilRestart < _kickTime) then { if !(ExileServerRestartMode) then { call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_kickAllrestart; "Evryone kicked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_clearBuffers; "Buffers cleared!" call ExileServer_util_log; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { "SERVER READY FOR RESTART!!" call ExileServer_util_log; }; ExileServerRestartMode = true; uiSleep 10; "#shutdown" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; }; }; }; trueOnce that is done go to the unpacked mpmission again open the config.cpp file. In that file search for Class CfgExileCustomCode it is near line 1556 and replace it with this class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "restart\ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; };So it should look like this /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Zamak /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Exile_Car_Zamak { quality = 1; price = 3000; }; }; class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "restart\ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; }; class CfgExileMusic { Ambient[] = {"ExileTrack03","ExileTrack04"}; Combat[] = {"ExileTrack06","ExileTrack07"}; Intro[] = {"ExileTrack02","ExileTrack03"}; };Once you have done the first 2 step go ahead and pack the Exile.Altis into a pbo. Next create a .bat file in your arma 3 server root directory called autorestart.bat and add this in to the bat @echo off color 0a title Server Starter :Serverstart echo Launching Server F: cd "F:\servers\Exile" echo Watching DTG Arma 3 Exile Server start "Arma3" /min /wait arma3server.exe -mod=@exile;Kart,Mark,Heli; -servermod=@exileserver;@infiSTAR_servermod; -config=F:\servers\Exile\@ExileServer\config.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=F:\servers\Exile\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit ping -n 15 >NUL echo Server with Exile has exited ... Restarting! ping -n 5 >NUL cls goto ServerstartMake sure that you change the info for the start parameters to your own. Then send a copy of this .bat to you desktop, and there you go. VERY IMPORTANT this set up will not work if you removed the server auto lock in the config.ccp of the exile_server_config pbo so make sure that your config matches as follows, // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players useAutoLock = 1; // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes) restartAutoLock = 2; /* Number of hours and minutes of your restart period. Examples: {4, 0} = Every 4 hours {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?) */ restartTimer[] = {3, 0}; /* Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss. We strongely recommend to use this! 0 = off 1 = on */ useAutoKick = 1; /* Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two minutes! */ kickTime = 2; /* Self-explanatory 0 = off 1 = on */ useRestartMessages = 1; /* Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players. Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested. */ restartWarrningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; Once again a great thanks to @seth^^ and with the help of @s. i figured this out. Cheers to you both.
  3. Hey guys as promised i will share my knowledge on how to install BEC Battleye Extended Controls. 1. You want to download bec at www.ibattle.org 2. Chose a folder to put bec, it may be any locations it does not matter (try to make it a separate folder then your arma server) 3. Setting up the bat files (restartserver.bat, servermonitor.bat,stopserver.bat) copy paste and name these bat files as shown in the brackets. Make sure to edit these accordingly to match your locations. restartserver.bat servermonitor.bat stopserver.bat 4. In the bec folder that you just created locate the config.cfg which is found in the config folder of bec and open it with notepad++ and edit the following highlited areas to fit your need. 5. Edit or create a Scheduler.xml file in the config folder of the bec folder. This one here is based on a 6 hour restart. Change the info in this file to sooth your needs especially the location to the stopserver.bat at the bottom. Scheduler.xml 6. Make sure that you have beserver.cfg set up in the battleye folder that the server uses. Some use the SC folder and others use the battleye folder, in this case it is the SC folder. BEServer.cfg So that pretty much sums it up. With this set up you will have server messages and auto restarts. There might be a couple tweeks her and there as i am not perfect but this really works well. You will notice that there are multiple startserver.bat windows that will multiply on your desktop, its no big deal i have not yet figured out how to make there only be one. ENJOY IMPORTANT i suggest that you go to your exile_server_config and edit the following!!! It is not a need but you don't need this turned on as you have already a auto restart set up, and why risk having both interfere with one another.
  4. I don't know what it is. I started all from scratch even arma install. I change all the passwords and even used the new data base. I get stuck on receiving server version. I know it is a data base problem but im lost now, help anyone.
  5. EDG

    Auto-Restart (Release)

    This is my insight on this question of yours. On console for example restarts also just that you do not see this as you are kicked to the lobby. Well the same thing happens on a pc game server. If there were no restart there not only be performance issue but there could be broken cars and building that only server restarts can fix.
  6. EDG

    Spawning Bike/QuadBike etc.

    Worked great for me thanks.
  7. EDG

    VPS Maximum limit?

    I know that there are cheaper ones but Nuclear Fallout (NFO) have really good services. Beside i use a regular 8 core vps.
  8. EDG

    Any one servers having hacker issues

    Not yet but i have to admit having only admins on the server it is hard to have a hacker lol.
  9. EDG

    RCON Tool?

    It depends on which one is your server calling.
  10. EDG

    How can I host my own server?

    It will run a server but will lag as if the moon hit the earth.
  11. EDG

    RCON Tool?

    Make sure the your beserver.cfg file is in the right battleye folder.
  12. EDG

    Issues with latest version of Infistar

    Sorry my bad i misunderstood.
  13. EDG

    Issues with latest version of Infistar

    You dont have to wait anymore you can get the latest versions with the latest update link http://update.infistar.de/
  14. EDG

    Show mods in expansion bar

    Yes this is client side so for example if you only have @Exile in your launch parameters then only Exile mod will be in green. You do not have to use Heli and Karts to get them to work in game that is why they are red but if you were to add it to your launch parameters then they to would be green.
  15. EDG

    Auto-Restart (Release)

    I will once i get back from this amazing weekend make a post with complete bec set up. All you will have to do is change you info. Bec is the route to take no offense Exile but you restars are not reliable enough.
  16. EDG

    Auto-Restart (Release)

    This is good but really BEC has a new owner and also give support on there team speak you should check it out ibattle.org also this is the easiest method for people that don' t want to play around creating 5 bat files to get BEC working with auto restarts. Nice post
  17. EDG

    Updating 0.9.34 - 35

    did you update your version on you personal pc like client side.
  18. EDG

    This is StupiD (Scripts.txt)

    They did not work and i have tried with another fellow coder and it still does not work. I do appreciate your help on the last post but did not WORK
  19. EDG

    This is StupiD (Scripts.txt)

    I do not expect people to do it, i do how ever believe some people will respond with legitimate answers. Do you think in so of my post helping others i had to do it no i did it because i felt like helping them i dont just post to post.
  20. EDG

    This is StupiD (Scripts.txt)

    Unless you have a answer to help me, then you should not be posting just to farm Post. Like seriously there are people out there that will help and then there are people like you that just post a smart ass remark and really it don't help. Also you think if it would of worked in the other post which is a different issue i would be posting again.
  21. EDG

    This is StupiD (Scripts.txt)

    Nope this is a new one with new restriction.
  22. EDG

    auto restarts?

    It seems to work when it wants i will defiantly discourage people from using it till it is stable.
  23. EDG


    9.34 and arma 1.52 are alredy better then before.