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About FatSquirrel

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  1. FatSquirrel

    [WIP] Exile DbI

    Hey everyone, I need some help from you guys. For testing my application I obviously require an existing exile database. I´ve just recently got myself a new ssd and lost my old database. If anyone would be so kind, as to share his exile database I´d greatly appreciate it! The bigger the better. It be great if you could just upload a backup file. Thanks in advance
  2. FatSquirrel

    need some help updating nitrado server

    Basic steps: Have a exile database on server Install Arma 3 on server Configure @ExileServer on your system Copy @Exile and your @ExileServer to the server Start server and make sure exile is connect to database
  3. FatSquirrel

    need some help updating nitrado server

    Dont forget to update your database!
  4. FatSquirrel

    Be Help With #57

    Try this http://gp.gamersinc.net/BEF.php
  5. FatSquirrel

    Need some help please

    Looks like the server removed these mods. Try without them.
  6. FatSquirrel

    [SOLVED] Getting kicked when using rhs and infistar

    Got it!! This is what I needed... Just the function call !="_truck addAction [localize \"STR_RHS_BTR70_retread_L1\", RHS_FNC_RETREAD, \"Hit" Thanks again for your help
  7. FatSquirrel

    [SOLVED] Getting kicked when using rhs and infistar

    Thank you for your helpful reply I really appreciate the work you do. I know that this might is not related to infistar. Usually I simply create the scripts.txt part from the kick message but in this case it just wont work... !="nPosition '%1_steering') distance _this <= 2}\n )\";\n\n_truck addAction [localize \"STR_RHS_BTR70_retread_L1\", RHS_FNC_RETREAD, \"Hit" I believe there might be a problem with the '%1_steering' This is the only exception I couldn´t get to work yet
  8. Hey there, I´ve recently started a little server. I added RHS and got myself infistar running on the server. I have set the following in my infistar config _RHS_MOD_ENABLED = true; I have also added these 2 in line 33 of my scripts.txt !="_fnc_vectorRandomize\",\"RHS_fnc_cbalTimeToDistance\",\"RHS_fnc_isPlayer\",\"RHS_fnc_targetIntersection\",\"RHS_fnc_retread\",\"RHS_fnc_si\" !="[\"\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_main\scripts\rhs_isPlayer.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"RHS\",\"functions\",\"isPlayer\"]\" Its kind of working, but when spawning or buying certain vehicles I get kicked: #11 "nPosition '%1_steering') distance _this <= 2} )"; _truck addAction [localize "STR_RHS_BTR70_retread_L1", RHS_FNC_RETREAD, "Hit" or when shooting a rhs vehicle: #6 "= true; _v animate [_anm, 1]; }; }; private "_p"; _p = createVehicle [_pen select 0, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _p setVeloci" Has anyone experienced anything like this? Thanks in advance
  9. FatSquirrel

    [WIP] Exile DbI

    I´m really trying to create a simple, clean and easy to use interface. That is one of the main goals. But: this will not be a simple .php file that you just include on your website. It is a complete web application (because everything is an app today) based on php. It will require more performance that just a plain php file with a few commands. On the other hand, this application will include a lot more features that just are not possible otherwise. The login and registration also requires a second database, giving me tons of possibilities to expand onto. I´m currently refactoring the code and adding dependency injection to make the application more reliable and better to understand, as I will be releasing the source code to the public soon. As of the release date, I am considering a 'beta' release for anyone to try and give feedback, as well as a 'live preview' on my server.
  10. FatSquirrel

    extDB2 Problem Debian 7

    Hey Try the following tutorial and try this step:
  11. FatSquirrel

    [WIP] Exile DbI

    Update 0.2 Changes: Authentication added (users can now log in and register) Separate database for storing registered users and settings migration system for future changes new statistics page
  12. FatSquirrel

    [WIP] Exile DbI

    Exile DbI Hey there. I´d like to get some feedback for a little project I recently started. What is Exile DbI? Its a Database Interface. It´s an easy way to view the data from your exile database. The entire application is build with Laravel, a very nice php framework. Features search and view accounts view individual players including their inventory display statistics for kills, deaths and many more authentication (login) and restricted access to features Future plans ability to edit players and accounts display player position on map ability for EVERYONE to view their player (login with uid) put players on a 'watch list' and add notes api for statistic data Release I hope to release a first beta this year. Screenshots I would like to know what you think, and which features you would like to see.
  13. My exile.ini http://pastebin.com/7kCRQmNT
  14. My exile.ini looks like this [loadTerritory] SQL1_1 = SELECT id,owner_uid,name,position_x,position_y,position_z,radius,level,flag_texture,flag_stolen,flag_stolen_by_uid,flag_steal_message,last_paid_at,build_rights,moderators, (SELECT COUNt(*) FROM construction c WHERE c.territory_id = id) FROM territory WHERE id = ? Number Of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9-STRING,10,11-STRING,12-STRING,13-DateTime_ISO8601,14,15,16 This is working for me
  15. Totally forgot to mention that! Your right, look at this http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/announcement/45-exileini-update-for-maintenance-fix/