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  1. GeekGamer

    [GUIDE] Watermark

    the status bar and the logo isn't working to me since the 9.8 Exile Update!
  2. SOLVED question! I've fotgot to put the #include "infiSTAR_Exile_AdminMenu.hpp" at description
  3. Hy guys, I'm going to build a brand new Esseker server, I'm using a old mission file from my last Esseker Server but I've got that issue: My vehicles and aircraft Trade is working 100% but the Hardware, spec ops, armory and food trade does not have any itens to trade! I'm sorry About my bad english, I still learning it! There is my Config.cpp and my initPlayer
  4. GeekGamer

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Don't worry about that For me the Banking its to improve the pvp
  5. GeekGamer

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Very easy to setup and extreme useful! But How Can I change the ATM positions to my own positions? I use Esseker Maps, Thanks in advanced and sorry my english :3
  6. GeekGamer

    [SOLVED] Esseker server key

    I was with that issue! Make sure that you put the emergency fixes overides at CfgCustomCode!
  7. GeekGamer

    ExileZ 2

    no yet, with I use the original trigger it work but the original positions is complete wrong (altis positions)
  8. GeekGamer

    ExileZ 2

    yes sir
  9. GeekGamer

    ExileZ 2

    fn_init TriggerPositions Mission Config.cpp and the mission starts with version = 12; class Mission { addOns[] = { "exile_client", "Esseker", "A3_Characters_F", "Ryanzombies", "ryanzombiesfunctions", "Ryanzombiesanims", "Ryanzombiesfaces" }; addOnsAuto[] = {"exile_client","Esseker"}; randomSeed = 8080942; class Intel My trigger keep not showing!
  10. GeekGamer

    ExileZ 2

    All radius is configured by the city size, I really don't understand why it happens
  11. GeekGamer

    ExileZ 2

    Can somebody help me with triggers? I really don't know how to configure it, Ive changed all to Esseker Citys and the red markers just disappeared, and now I don't have any zombies