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  1. blind

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    hi guys! did some one make it work on Tanoa Map?
  2. i mean, visualy, how are military bases, are like barracs on altis? or new buildings? how they look like?
  3. thx mate, how long they still up? couldn't see it on the config how do i update it? just change pbo disable all and enable helicrash and AI on military buildings? thx mate how are military bases? do u mind to post an image? or are the same as altis map? ty Great work!
  4. oh i see, can you let us know when is ready? other question, i set helicrash as day z, i see the crate, and heli and fire, but actualy, we can see the heli falling down? or just appear on the floor? ty mate
  5. blind

    Statusbar Script?

    no worries, ty mate
  6. blind

    Statusbar Script?

    hi could you help me to disable the background? got errors on description.ext ty
  7. If u can post your FIX so ppl with same problem have a solution
  8. Great work @second_coming Im running latest version i think of DMS, and It is any posibility to use ocupation to only helicrashes? if it's a yes, what i need to do? place the full addon , dissable all and enable helicrashes? or is another easy way to do it Thanks a lot!
  9. but works on exile potato and tanoa map? if it is a yes i will try again
  10. blind

    disable temp system

    you mean comment the class temp?
  11. blind

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    ty mate <3