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Everything posted by Kashinoda

  1. Kashinoda

    DayZ Standalone: Exile

    I've been following DayZ Standalone for the last 6 months or so and it's starting to actually shape up nicely, I'm extremely excited about the possibility of an Exile / Epoch style mod sometime in the future. Where things are right now: Server files were released to the public last week Modding tools to come, but people are already starting to mod. The next Experimental content pack will bring native base building and the new vehicle system The modding (in theory) should be significantly less restrictive compared to Arma 2 / 3. Particularly hyped about the train mod developed by Arkensor (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Aw4-lmONqM). There's also mods for traders etc. The game itself is a great state in terms of performance, graphics, animations, map design, UI etc. A large improvement over Arma 3, obviously the same engine will eventually make its way to Arma 4 but we're looking at years for this. Are there any active or existing Exile developers looking to make something?
  2. Kashinoda

    DayZ Standalone: Exile

    All the more reason to use modding tools without barriers
  3. Kashinoda

    DayZ Standalone: Exile

    I thought that DayZ actually uses a hybrid. The modding tools for Enfusion means modders would essentially be able to do anything that Bohemia can do, but it still supports legacy C++ stuff. I'm not sure if the full BETA release will have everything running on Enfusion or not though. I'm not saying it's an easy port over or anything like that, I'm assuming it would be a fully fledged project. I just want modders to get on board because the ceiling is much higher in DayZ compared to Arma, at least until Arma 4.
  4. Kashinoda

    [CLOSED] Respect system bugged ?

    I think 512k is probably the maximum amount of respect, when you added a kill to that the database values went tits up.
  5. Kashinoda

    Mobile XM8 App

    People in this thread lel
  6. Kashinoda

    Mobile XM8 App

    Some absolute fucking moaners on here. It could cost £10.00 a month and that would still be worth it for the many hours people pour into playing this mod. Smack my flipping head.
  7. Kashinoda

    Base Raiding

    Fantastic update by the way, probably the most balanced and fair way to do this and there's enough room for server owners to tweak things to fit their own communities. 3 days is the right amount of time, back in the A2 Epoch days your base could be taken forever within an hour - As Exile developer Grimm did to us on MGT Keep up the good work.
  8. Kashinoda

    Base Raiding

    You discredit much of your argument with off-handed comments like "those of us with real jobs"
  9. Yeah I tend to encapsulate mine so you'd have to really try in order to kill yourself, the issue is the extra objects obviously. Doesn't look too grand either >_<
  10. Problem? Stairs are a death trap for many, you hit those bad boys at the wrong angle and you're sliding to your death - impaled between a floor and a wall. Doesn't matter what scripts you have in place, how much room you have to work with. These things are a death trap just like they were in Arma 2 Epoch. We've lost dozens to stair death rage quitters throughout the years, why does it need to be? The solution? The stair banister. Stair banisters give you the support and protection you deserve, at the low cost of 2 wooden planks you can secure your clan mates for a better tomorrow. Act now, thanks for your time.
  11. Kashinoda

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    Fantastic posts eraser, might have been missed by people bickering.
  12. Kashinoda

    Locker (Private Stash)

    You can only hold 10,000 in the lockers. Which isn't a lot. The rest of your money you'll have to store at your base, which can be hacked (and territory taken in the new update too)
  13. Kashinoda

    Locker (Private Stash)

    10,000 limit is perfect. Nicely done
  14. Kashinoda

    To the Dev team

    Exile has always been a fantastic mod with a solid base to build on. I think how professional the project is skewed people's expectations going forward, it takes time to add things without it being a mess. Epoch on Arma 2 was my favourite mod ever, but my god it was a messy. My friends and I left Exile a few months ago, knowing full well we'd come back with some major additions. People who play mods like this do play it to death, it comes with the territory. I'm wetting myself with this latest update, it has everything there to make it the true spiritual successor to the original Epoch on Arma 2. Only with a whole lot more to it. This will be the Exile they had envisioned from the start, all aboard the hype train.
  15. Kashinoda

    How to play Chernarus ?

    Sorry, join whatever server you wish
  16. Kashinoda

    How to play Chernarus ?

    Posted this on another forum, enjoy. A3Launcher Instructions 1. Download A3Launcher from: http://a3launcher.com/setup_a3launcher.exe 2. Click 'Settings' and 'Force HTTP Download' 3. Select 'Mods' and download 'All in Arma Terrain Pack Lite (1.4.1)' as well as 'Exile' 4. Under name filter search for 'MGT' and join: "MGT EXILE CHERNARUS | BOUNTIES | AI MISSIONS | PVP | HIGH LOOT" If the downloads are slow you can manually download them (as shown below) and still launch the mods through A3Launcher. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Manual Instructions 1. Download Exile Download: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AiA Terrain Pack OneDrive: http://1drv.ms/1L83DJp MediaFire: http://bit.ly/1R0EaVC Google Drive: https://goo.gl/yQjUe9 Torrent: http://goo.gl/3NQMc9 AiA Terrin Pack - Lite Version (lower textures and better performance but wont work with A3Launcher) OneDrive: http://1drv.ms/1L83sxx MediaFire: http://bit.ly/1MgiC8k Google Drive: https://goo.gl/08GoWP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. Extract the mods to your Arma 3 folder which is typically in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 It should look like this 3. Open arma3launcher in the same folder, select 'Parameters' 4. Tick 'Mods' and hit the '...' button, select both folders. It should look like this: 5. Click 'Play', goto 'Multiplayer' and select 'Remote Join' 6. Enter IP address and port 2302 to play.
  17. Be a nice little change that would make codes easier to remember (especially with having to change up frequently due to thermal scanners).
  18. Kashinoda

    cinderblocks or bricks and cement?

    Cement is fantastic, but are will still going to be left with wooden floors? Seems a bit unbalanced, surely they could be updated to metal by now?
  19. Kashinoda

    Limitations planned for .36

    So buy a TWS or TWS MG?
  20. The Pop Tab system is fantastic and has been a welcome upgrade on using silver, gold and briefcases. However the limit is either too high or doesn't exist. Being able to run as a Bambi to the trader and buy a hatchback is fair enough, but there needs to be risk-reward when buying large and expensive items. It adds a great deal to gameplay, it also adds to base raiding and PVP in general. For larger purchases you should need to bring something akin to gold bars (or tin bars to fit in the Exile universe), which have a value of 1000. I think this hybrid would work a lot better. This idea is a slight continuation of this:
  21. Kashinoda

    Respawn base

    Absolutely not, this isn't Ark. There's already too much that makes the mod easy, there needs to be danger elements otherwise you risk Minecraft with death match thrown in.
  22. Kashinoda

    desirable additions to base building

    Banking and tilting is coming last I knew. Agree on everything else. Also: 1. Banisters for stairs (to prevent many Arma deaths) 2. Metal Floors
  23. Kashinoda

    Metal Floors

    Are these planned for future? Or deliberately left out so you need to be creative with base defense? Also, being able to take someone's territory... I heard this was planned, just wondering how far down the road this is?
  24. Kashinoda

    Show off your base.

    Your flag is a inch or two off center, how can you sleep at night?