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Everything posted by [SoA]Steve

  1. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Be a teamplayer Don't be a retard Don't start drama As a disclaimer we do not like people who get off when they die once or twice. A loss should encourage you to fight more. Application Format We are currently looking for new people who play at least 25 hours a week. 1. What is your Arma 2 and/or 3 experience? Post a screenshot below. 2. How often do you realistically play, please don't waste our time BSing this. 3. How old are you? 16+ is preferred but if you genuinely seem like a mature smart player we wont have problems. 4. Do you have a particular play style? After applying you can go on our teamspeak it's soaclan.typefrag.com
  2. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Accepted, I added you on steam.
  3. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

  4. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

  5. [SoA]Steve

    NDS Exile

  6. [SoA]Steve

    NDS Exile

    Come watch me play this newer server and help it grow
  7. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    accepted wait in ts lobby.
  8. [SoA]Steve

    AeoniumGaming DayZ

    First and foremost they have staff that care and are passionate about making the server a community as well. It needs performance work in terms of frames and dsync but that is being worked on. I've played on a lot of Exile servers and I can only recall a few I genuinely liked and played on for more then a day. It has a lot of originality to it, and it does feel more like DayZ Mod more so then any Exile server I've ever played. Loot and traders are more balanced then 9/10 Exile servers as well. It's not militarized but you can get Ghosthawks, Blackhawks, as well as a Pawnee without rockets on it(it's very expensive but worth if it that's your thing.) Gun prices match their utility as well as the vehicles. If there is one thing that concerns me about the server it's that medium to large sized groups are not taken kindly too. In terms of compensation and assistance we are treated equal to everyone else, but we have been asked to calm down on being aggressive towards other players. I always felt that the way you learn this game is by getting killed in every way possible. You learn through trial and error. I started as a noob and my self and one other friend got dumped on everyday by the same crew of 9 people in DayZ Epoch, so we made our own Clan and started dominating them. I felt like any one is capable of doing this so there should be no reason to complain, because you can easily have those same numbers.
  9. Even if the window is raised or the floor port is open, you can't throw grenades through them or 3d mark things through them.
  10. I noticed it a long time ago but I thought I'd report it. Do you know if the Devs intend to fix it?
  11. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Accepted. wait in ts.
  12. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Accepted wait in the ts lobby till someone gives you tags.
  13. [SoA]Steve

    Using sledge hammer to gather scrap metal.

    Does this require a script or is it in exile?
  14. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

  15. [SoA]Steve

    Looking for a squad to join

    Apply if you want quite a few of us come from Arma 2 as well.
  16. [SoA]Steve

    Looking for a group to play with

    Apply if you want.
  17. [SoA]Steve

    Easiest Raid I've been apart of to date

    I apologize for the horrible video quality this was from my stream and I'm still working out my OBS settings.
  18. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Well its on the thread either way.
  19. [SoA]Steve

    Easiest Raid I've been apart of to date

    Did they really get to hack any safes? It's a joke by the way this wasn't really a raid we didn't steal anything more then their gear it was just trolling more or less.
  20. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Sorry for this late reply, do you still have the ts?
  21. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    I'm currently banned on the server we play hopefully I will get the ban appealed soon enough. In the mean time Hectic can help you get started on the server if you are who you say you are. What was your name when you played with us?
  22. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    In need of 3-5 new trials, apply please.
  23. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    You've been accepted into the exile meme team!
  24. [SoA]Steve

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    Accepted wait patiently in ts for a tag with move ability.
  25. [SoA]Steve

    Super Chil Group

    +1 to this guy