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  1. Banjotheraindo

    Problem Changing Pbo settings

    Hi guys I've spent all day trying to make some adjustments on my server but i keep getting the same problem over and over again. Any time I change some settings in the server config pbo, save it, re pack it, then upload it to server host the server fails to start with this log 17:16:26 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 17:16:26 Initializing stats manager. 17:16:26 Stats config disabled. 17:16:26 sessionID: b0cab7729f39cecfd7ea956cd112e9ee4422c0e3 17:16:39 Unsupported language English in stringtable 17:16:39 Unsupported language English in stringtable 17:16:39 Unsupported language English in stringtable 17:16:39 Unsupported language English in stringtable Im only making tiny adjustments in the pbo IE: turning off parachute spawn adding a map to bambi spawn loadout, and making sure it falls directly with the rest of the code but as i said as soon i upload it the server wont start. server runs fine completely vanilla and unedited pbo Can someone tell me where im going wrong im completely new to this and trying to pick up as much as possible. Thankyou for any information you can provide. Unpack/Repack with pbo manager and editing config with notepad++
  2. Hi there if anyone could help me it would be really appreciated. I'm having trouble getting my server to work any time I change some settings It's currently hosted by gtx it all runs fine and dandy when completely vanilla but when I change the server config pbo ie change parachute spawn from 1 to 0 then upload to the pbo to server it fails to start and i get this 2:50:52 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 2:50:52 Initializing stats manager. 2:50:52 Stats config disabled. this happens only by me changing the parachute spawn from 1 to 0 then saving it and uploading it can someone tell me where im going horribly wrong ? I'm very new to servers and while reading as much info as i can and taking full advantage of the search feature its still quite puzzling and confusing at times. thanks Banjo
  3. So this keeps happening to my player when i switch from 1st person to 3rd I hate 3rd person as it is so getting a super god mode see fucking everything 3rd person is really annoying. doesn't happen every time just now and then. Anyone know how i can fix this please? is this client or server bug ? thanks Banjo
  4. Banjotheraindo

    1st person server.

    Hi. Please move/remove if req but didn't know where to post. My group are looking for a populated1st person only server. or 1st person infantry 3rd vehicles if anyone knows of any good ones that don't have 0 players on please let me know. Thanks Banjo Edit: checked server showcase with not much luck
  5. Banjotheraindo

    Online Baseraid

    Some footage from an online baseraid we done. My group (Raindogs) love to raid bases that are online it's a real challenge sometimes and definitely tests your skills. This fight Went on for about 2 hours and we didn't need any thermal scanners or explosives just some good tactics and lucky timing!!! If you know of any big clans that are dirty base campers that never leave Send me a message we'd love to pay them a visit. Description of events In youtube please like if you enjoyed it. Thankyou Banjo
  6. Banjotheraindo

    Fortified floors (pics)

    you dont you have to make sure it falls down in the exact place you want it
  7. Banjotheraindo

    Fortified floors (pics)

    Enable physics, and drop it onto a ledge so it falls over
  8. Banjotheraindo

    Fortified floors (pics)

    I mean as in snap a wall to a wall that's already been placed laying down. I'm using free mode to have them laying flat but I can't snap to them to them to line up perfectly.
  9. Banjotheraindo

    Fortified floors (pics)

    Hi there I've been trying to figure out a way to make my base as fortified as possible and with no option to fortify floors I've resorted to playing around with the physics to place walls laying down and then upgrading them to metal. But I can only place them via free mode. So has anyone figured out a way to snap walls laying down or do they all have to be placed individually ? See pics below. Thanks Banjo
  10. Hi, I'm looking to find out exactly how much Hp (health) walls and floors and upgraded fortifications? Like a satchel deals 40,000 hp and averages around 6 satchels sometimes more or less. So does someone have any info on this. Much appreciated,
  11. Banjotheraindo

    Reconsider Keys and Locking!!!

    Let's offer a survival mod where you don't actually have to survive. There is no fear whatsoever in this mod. Majority of people voted against the key system were afraid of the vehicles they could lose. Seriously grow some balls. No Challenge whatsoever. The winning vote might of been no, but you have to think of why they all voted no in the first place. Is this this survival or is this security? Make it tough for christ sake. P.s The weak are the majority
  12. Banjotheraindo

    Metal Hedgehogs

    Hi there, When will the textures be added for the metal Hedgehogs and is there a patch/update coming soon? Thanks in advance.