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About HagenL

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  1. HagenL

    Rope and its use ingame

    Zip lines? Are you kidding me? I like the idea to climb something with a rope as well. But more in the burglary style, i would love it if you could like enter a base through a window on the second floor or climb over walls, i hate all those big clan bases at roads and intersections to kill people driving to the trader or what not. Don't understand me wrong bases should be difficult to destroy (very) but broken into shouldn't be so hard. Nearly indistructable, yes Impenetrable, no please no
  2. Great ideas, the message function would be also a nice addition to the bounties system so you could actually gather some informations about the target maybe bring in the option to be anonymous so you could ask the guy who posted the bounty. Regarding the payment via xm8 maybe it could be restricted to the lower level territories, i think if you reach a certain level of territory and size of a base you should be forced to leave it once in a while. The hotkey instadoc might be a bit overpowered mid gunfight after you got hit once hitting the key start regenerating ... in the upcoming update there will be bandages, if you could stop you character from bleeding with a hotkey that would be enough in my opinion. I died like 2 out of 5 times bleeding because i was to slow with the instadoc.
  3. HagenL


    I think the current crafting system is fast enough. I mean it is like Epoch with a chainsaw fast already ...
  4. HagenL

    Kill zone!

    Well that title was missleading. To address it anyway, no no no no no no no freaking fraking way this should be a thing. Arma always was mainly about positioning and controlling the situation. If you would get the position of a guy that shot someone, even if it is just you with a Killcam you could tell a friend in Teamspeak or something like that. And the guy that shot you could be easily flanked. I actually thought you wanted something like a Zone where the PVP driven players could "meet" like some sort of arena which in the end would offer some sort of price.
  5. HagenL

    No revive

    It's kind of funny that 80% of the votes say "Yes" to Revive and 20% "No", but looking at the comments 90% of the people are flaming about how terrible the option to revive would be. And mostly I agree with the reasoning of them, for example i don't want to see a revive train in Exile. Nevertheless I think with the right restrictions this could be a great feature, for example in my experience if you are working in a big group most of the time one person dies because he ran in front of the car or he gets shot by the one lone wolf who was attracted by the gun fire on a mission or such, that guy dies immediately because the group starts to fire in his direction. I've never seen that actually one guy took out a group of 5 or 6 in the case they aren't idiots. But to avoid the abuse of this ability i would have the following restrictions: 1. The person has to be revived within like two minutes tops, with that i mean the revive has to be started in this time period 2. The revive takes at least 30 seconds 3. Headshot equals dead and once revived you can't be revived again ( I don't know how doable the second one is ) 4. The Defibrilator should take a lot of space in your backpack and should only have 3 charges or less ( It would be a nice addition if you could find batteries and "recharge" it) 5. If the person reviving is "in Combat" there should be only like a 33% chance the revive works, if it fails the dead person is dead for good. On the other hand if your not "in Combat" or not anymore you have a 100% chance it works so it can be used for postfirefight regouping and bugdeath rescue or Accidental kills. 6. Regarding Respect to avoid abusing maybe give 50 respect if you revive a party member. And 100 if you revive a bambi? No idea what of this stuff can be done but let me know and tell me what you think please. If this thread isn't dead already, hmm maybe i can revive it ... Get it? I'm sorry. I simply could not resist.