[x] Splin

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Everything posted by [x] Splin

  1. When you log in to server you see all markers on the map set by other players, even it they were set in group channel and you shouldn't really see them. And it makes using them quite pointless because of it.
  2. [x] Splin

    New Respect System - Part 2

    If you kill a party or clan member, you will lose 3% of your respect. Victim does not lose respect. Death and frag do not count. Ouch. That can burn when you drive your offroad full of teammates to a tree and it kills everyone inside.
  3. As Arma changed the weapons sway increesing it at some point, now it is too extensive for many players (even hardcore one). And it's not 'real', it's quite ridiculous. Exile is not strictly military sim, so I think it can be more suitable to revert to good old system, you can use the same fix as Battle Royale mod uses: * Added Fixed Exaggerated Weapon Sway by Lao Fei Mao http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26267
  4. [x] Splin

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    So is there some opinion of developers about it? As i see it the poll says it could be interesting for the most of the voters but still no reaction about if this could\should(or not) to be added.
  5. [x] Splin

    Proximity hint in the killfeed

    you can hardcode it to "near Pyrgos" and it still would be 90% accurate.
  6. [x] Splin

    [Event] The Purge

    And it leads to a dissapeared base and a safe floating in the air) So if you want to do this event you need to be sure that the base will stand for reasonable time to give a chance for players to get to the safes.
  7. [x] Splin

    [Event] The Purge

    I don't think it will work that way. First of all many servers have player base in different time zones, so you cannot just take any time suitable for all the players (some of them may be sleeping or at work). So it's unfair. Secondly - ALL of the players will need to be online and defend their base (if they could do it), but what if the server is already full of players who got there first? If the player base is quite big it's also an issue. I just don't see how it could be fair for all the people. And THIS is the thing that could work. Instead of just deleting the base which is boring there could be online events to fight it and obtain it's loot and maybe put your flag in it, if you can. Otherwise it will dissapear next day. But it's not the answer to your issue with raiding an active bases.
  8. [x] Splin

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    I mean the fix itself, provided in first comment I totally understand that this is not top priority now, just a thing that is still related to the Arma way of dealing with sway.
  9. [x] Splin

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    Aaaand things getting more real. The new Nexus update brings even more fatigue and stamina effects. The Stamina and Fatigue systems have received further tuning by their Task Force, with balances to timings across the board. Stamina recuperation and exhaustion rates have been improved, to keep the game decisive, yet fluid, while the availability of sprinting after reaching an exhausted state has been further restricted. To manage combat effectiveness when fatigued or injured, players can no longer hold their breath indefinitely, and will now need to learn and master the best times to steady their aim, to compensate for weapon sway. Hold breath timings have changed, while improvements to the system itself add new sounds and reward players for conserving oxygen. A subtle animation slowdown has been added to terrain gradients, bringing a deeper level of connection and encouraging players to make more tactical decisions about their environment. Finally, a pesky bug that allowed for players to recuperate stamina very quickly has been squashed. Please, consider the alternative.
  10. [x] Splin

    Weapons and damage models

    They haven't modified it, so you can check arma 3 default stats, like this one
  11. [x] Splin

    Thermal Scanner Noob

    Wow. You should really consider TLDR version of your shout. And thermal scanner actually shows you the order of the last 3 digits, if you look at it and just use your logic, why one key is brighter then another. Problem solved.
  12. [x] Splin

    Weapon weight balancing

    Well, that is the reason that on the server we play on 90% of users runs with Navid or SPMG, as all other options are far more weak. What's the point in all the other weapons if they all suck in comparsion to high caliber precision LMG, especially when you cannot take 2 guns with you. I don't think it is balanced, as it's obviously not. If I could take at least 2 guns - i'd take assault riflle+sniper rifle, but now I just haven't got much choice really.
  13. Guys, just don't forget - it's all about the game balance, not realism.
  14. [x] Splin

    Thermal Scanners

    I understand that the cases could be different, but again - it's all about how hard or easy you can do it. And I wish the change of the aspect of how interesting, interactive and enjoyfull it can be. How do you find one combination out of 24 within 3 attempts by 3 codes in 15 minutes (don't forget about timeoun after 3 wrong guesses)? It's quite lucky guess because you will cover 1/3 of possible combinations, so if you're not so lucky it could be 30-40 minutes. And if it will be 7122 it's almost twice as many combinations, so up to 60-120 minutes. For one door. Do this work? Maybe. Is this fun? Don't think so.
  15. [x] Splin

    Thermal Scanners

    This maybe not hard, but it's too time consuming and really boring. First you have to catch 15min after the door was locked, get a the thermal print of last 3 digits (and this is the only interesting part of the whole process). But then you have to guess 60 combinations and with 5 mins cooldown - nobody will do it when the owners are online and people will just login when the base is empty and bruteforce this code, which is really boring. And then you need to do this with second door, and with safe. And if the owners will know that you have a door pin they will just change it (again this is also why everyone will do it when they are not home), so it makes a base raid too much resourceful in terms of time and absolutely not fun nor rewarding. And in case of vehicle - you can forget about it, nobody will spent THAT time just to hijack vehicle.
  16. [x] Splin

    Thermal Scanners

    but why not to make it better? Not too easy, not too hard but balanced, so most of the players enjoyed this features? I thought about this options, but that is way too much in the other side of a balance, you will never have enough time inside enemy base and it only promotes even more to offline attacks. And it will become useless for a vehicles.
  17. [x] Splin

    Thermal Scanners

    As for now it's too easy, the instant result allows you to get the 3 of 4 code digits right away you don't even need to try it right now, but remember it and come back when nobody's home. And as many mentioned - it can be the only code of the group. Maybe there should be a timer when you need to stand and wait for thermal prints to appear - from the last one which is visible right at start as it's the hottest to the others, one by one in a time, say - 2 minutes per digit. It gives a chance to fight against those who tries to crack your base (or vehicle), especially that it was locked not longer then 15 minutes ago, so the owner should be nearby. And maybe it should receive an alarm notification that the door\safe\vehicle he accessed in last 15 minutes is being breached. Also this allows the owner to know that he need to change the code as it could be partly compromised. It will bring interactive gameplay to this feature.
  18. Can confirm - the base built on land, right after restart some walls change their positions, and then in 1-3 minutes they returns as they should be. Saw this on two different bases.
  19. [x] Splin

    Thermal scanner pro

    But... it is fixed already. It don't dupe anymore. And you can steal everything in a base only if all the locks had been unlocked in last 15 minutes and you managed to get in with termal scanner in this time.
  20. [x] Splin


    It depends, afaik the person in your squad (not exile party, but Arma squad, like Alpha 1-2 or Bravo 2-3, which is autoassigned by the game) can control your UAV, becase he is friendly as Arma thinks.
  21. [x] Splin

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    All players of Battle Royale mod can confirm it.
  22. [x] Splin

    'Default' Pin Code

    As the code hacking device is already implemented - you shouldn't really use only ONE code, because if someone hacks your door, he will get access to all of your doors\safes.
  23. Apart from roam around the map (which is by the way easy resolves by mission systems) there are many other factors. For example - if you remove abilty to buy a loot and let it be craft only it will be much more time consuming. You will need to gear up A LOT every time, and to do this you need to spend quite a time, and I beleive that quite a lot of Exile playerbase doesn't have or wish to spent this much time just to be ready. As a grownup with some real life shit to do I just cannot afford DayZ like style to run through the forest for hours to gather some loot and weapons and a wheel from a vehicle, just to be killed in a second out of nowhere when you will return to the vehicle trying attach this wheel. Exile brings me perfect option to spend 2-3 hours in action. As for Pyrgos Arena and trader camping - it's not the game issue, it's community issue. Server we play on has intense PvP all around the map, never seen real trader camping. And even if 5 bambies of 70 wish to shoot each other at Pyrgos - it doesn't bother me much.
  24. Another DayZ - is exactly what you described in 'your view of improving the gameplay dynamic'. Exile is NOT DayZ, and I hope it will never be, as a PvP game it's awesome, there's no need for another survival - plenty of them already.