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About Active_ZK

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  • Birthday 01/16/1996

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  1. Active_ZK

    RDW Exile Lythium

    RDW is a small community that was started back in 2013 when Arma 2 Epoch was brought out. We ran a successful server for over a year. We are a group of guys who just like to play videos games and have a good time. We got tired of playing on other servers and decided to start a Exile server. We strive to bring new things to our community. Come join us and have some fun. We host weekly admin events and give aways.
  2. 7 compile !"compileFinal" !="figEntry\",\"BIS_fnc_returnParents\",\"BIS_fnc_help\",\"BIS_fnc_recompile\",\"BIS_fnc_diagAnim\",\"BIS_fnc_fps\",\"BIS_fnc_dirTo\",\"BIS_fnc_r" !="[\"A3\\functions_f\\debug\\fn_recompile.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A2\",\"Debug\",\"recompile\"]" !="tNameParent = if (isNil '_fnc_scriptName') then {'BIS_fnc_recompile'} else {_fnc_scriptName};\n private _fnc_scriptName = 'BIS_fn" !="er = -1;};\n_number\n};\n\ncase (typename \"\"): {\n_number = call compile _number;\nif (isnil {_number}) then {_number = -1;};\n_number\n" !=";\n_codeType = \"function\";\nif (isnil {_code}) then {\n_code = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers _scriptPath;\n_codeType = \"file\";\n}" !="ormat ['>> \"%1\"', _path joinString '\" >> \"'];\n\n_core = call compile (\"missionConfigFile\" + _path);\nif (isClass _core) exitWith {" !="o \n{\n_menuItem = _menuItems select _n;\n_showMenuItem = call compile (getText (_menuItem >> \"condition\"));\nif (_showMenuItem) the" !="\", \"_status\", \"_timeStart\", \"_x\"];
  3. Can someone please help. I feel like i am just overlooking something but i can not get the server to stop kicking me for battleye script restriction #21
  4. Only thing that i see could be the issue in my RPT is this. 20:24:08 Scripting function 'exadserver_fnc_clientrequest' is not allowed to be remotely executed 20:24:24 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| Active_ZK | Active_ZK(000000000) | 0h 1min 37s | Overall PopTabs increased by 444333 [16-Aug-2016 03-51-14 - v0058]" 20:25:17 Scripting function 'exadserver_fnc_clientrequest' is not allowed to be remotely executed 20:27:15 Sound: Error: File: Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\sound\SUV_ext_door not found !!! 20:27:28 Scripting function 'exadserver_fnc_clientrequest' is not allowed to be remotely executed 20:27:32 "<>CONNECTLOG| #2 Disconnected: Active_ZK(00000000) ID: 3 SteamName: Active_ZK [16-Aug-2016 03-51-14 - v0058]" 20:27:32 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1099 not found 20:27:33 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1099 not found 21:23:19 "ExileServer - Spawning ExileServer_system_event_abandonedSafe_start..." 21:23:19 "ExileServer - There are no abandoned safes. Skipping abandoned safe event." 22:24:47 "ExileServer - Spawning ExileServer_system_event_abandonedSafe_start..." 22:24:47 "ExileServer - There are no abandoned safes. Skipping abandoned safe event." 23:22:18 "<> shutting down server.. after 0 minutes (RESTART_TIME_IN_M = 180 minutes in EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp)" 23:22:18 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#shutdown' by server. 23:22:22 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 23:22:22 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\invisibleman.p3d";] 23:22:22 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Exile_Unit_Player"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\coveralls.p3d";] 23:22:22 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
  5. Okay so i have a issue i am stuck on. I have triple checked everything and i can not figure out what the issue is. I have everything running fine other then VG. I can load in game fine and everything but when i go to store a vehicle into the VG it just closes the XM8 and nothing happens the car just stays sitting next to the flag. I have 3 screen shoots if that helps any... Please help i am stuck and can not get this to work.