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About crackerjack0903

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  • Birthday 02/19/1995

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  1. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    Only persistent Pods will be saved in your vehicle table in your database. I have contacted BI and as usual no response after they told me that it is on there end I need to write some server side code in order to add some actions to the taru pods. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but there is almost nothing I can do for now. I will release a new version as soon as I can get some code to work.
  2. crackerjack0903

    There's no AddAction but something else.

    someone needs to find this. I need to figure out how actions are added to the traders so that i can create an action to open the rekey dialog on a laptop.
  3. crackerjack0903

    TFTGaming Now Recruiting!

    TFTGaming is now recruiting anyone 18+ years of age! visit to become a member. Join our steam group We host 2 Exile servers and we are also looking for responsible admins & recruiters. If you want to be an admin and or recruiter add crackerjack0903 on steam or message me. There are benefits based on how many players you can recruit. We give out free games that you do not already have as well as sponsor you on twitch. Message me for details
  4. crackerjack0903

    Auto restart loop

    I charge an hourly rate because I host servers and administer them for a living, but i would be happy to look at it for you. shoot me a message
  5. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    Yes the script never should have stopped working in the first place. We dont know what is going on even if you target only a specific pod it wont work. It only works on the covered pod. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  6. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    I am talking with eraser1 the creator of DMS_Missions_System and we are trying to find a work around to get this working because BI will take forever.
  7. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    Ya i just got an answer from the forums and something to do with cursortarget
  8. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    I am still working on fixing this i cant figure it out. I will keep trying. The covered pod is the only one that works, but that doesn't make sense.
  9. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    ok i will take a look at it tomorrow.
  10. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    Maybe I will look into it feel free to donate paypal to [email protected]
  11. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    That is weird I dont mess with the inventory at all in my script.
  12. I am willing to help setup servers for people. Just PM me also i have finished updating my tarupod script check it out
  13. crackerjack0903

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    I have updated this so that it now includes everything. You can now use my script to fix the issue with buying tarupods.
  14. crackerjack0903

    Specify apex in -mod= parameter for hosting Tanoa?

    It was client side for me just had to restart steam. Thank you all for your help.