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  1. Bina

    On screen mission message display

    Hi Jski, Thank you for your answer. Im' using the @FUMS mod ( I tried to ask my question in this thread but no answer. I don't know if the message is configured in this mod, in Exilmod or in Arma base game. In fact, when a mission start, I have the message in the middle of the screen and I want to move it upper left. But I really don't know where I must search. I tried to open a lot of config file in exil server, exil client and Fums mod but I'm not yet fluent in sqf code and I don't find anything.
  2. Hello, I searched but without success. I installed an arma3 server with exilmod and with random missions. When a mission is generated, players have a message on the screen during play. Now, I try to change the configuration of this message (location, font, color, size). Someone knows where I can do that ? Thank you
  3. Thank you to CassiusMaximus. It's what I was looking for and I knwo how to search for others. I have also the same question than Swash regarding how mission messages are displayed and to remove them from the middle of the screen and to configure them in a different position/color/font. In advance, thank you for your help and for your hard work on this topic.
  4. Hello, Before installing FuMS, I add no mission on my Exile server then Im' not sure if it's FuMS mod that configure this or Exile but I searched and I haven't found this info. Now, all is working fine and I'm looking where I can change the mission information messages that appear in the middle of the screen. If someone can help me, it will be great.
  5. Thank you, first time also on GitHub and the way I took the files was not good... now my server is up and running. Great job !
  6. Hello, I try to do my first server on a Linux dedicated server. The server is up and running and I can connect to it and play with only Exile. Now, I want to add your mod and I followed your process to install it and read all pages of this thread. The server start without error and start FUMS. HC is on the same computer. In my HC log, I have the following errors : My start program are : I haven't made other change than those you have put in installation process, add the folder HC (last one), add the line []execVM "HC\init.sqf"; in initPlayerlocal.sqf and modify mission.sqm in the exile.altis.pbo. If you have an idea, it will be great. Thanks in advance.