hand soloz

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  1. hand soloz

    Exile Origins Chernarus

    For everyone who enjoys a simpler experience, not too modded, not too vanilla, just right. I was looking for a more traditional "DayZ Style" experience so I put up a Chernarus box on our dedicated server (Not Shared or Virtualized), added the zombies and some missions, added some skin mods and a few additions to the map and opened it up. Groups can get a starter box or a prefab editor base if they want or grind it out on a base building adventure. Plenty of missions, Zombies to aggravate you,Hordes to chase you, Vehicle AI cruising the map looking for trouble, Capture Points, and more. Long time Arma/Dayz community with experienced players always down for a firefight or willing to help someone out. If you're getting the crash to desktop bug the first time you join a server, alt+tab out as soon as you join and wait a minute or so for it to download the mission file, then alt+tab back in and you'll be good to go. Hopefully that annoying little Arma3 issue gets fixed at some point. If you need further help message me on the forums and I'll be glad to help out. You can also download the current mission file from GitHub https://github.com/HandSoloz/Exile unzip it and put the .pbo file in your C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache\ folder and save yourself the memory crash while downloading mission file headaches. @A2OP @Exile @HVP @CPC_TRYK @TRYK @Ryanzombies Optional Mods: Advanced Rappelling, Advanced Urban Reppelling.
  2. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    Finally got the Rcon to work and I can send a #shutdown command from the console but the auto shutdown still doesn't happen either through the exile config file or by way of the Infistar config settings. Also noticed that I can't change the restart period on the server in either file, no matter what I set it for it stays at 3 hours if that offers any clues.
  3. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    Still no luck I see this message in the server monitor: Starting with Arma3 1.58 all server admins will have to define a dedicated port in BEServer.cfg in order to be able to use BE RCon. Please see https://www.battleye.com/support/documentation/ for details. here's my beserver.cfg RConPassword mypassword MaxPing 300 RConPort 1337 *************************************************************************** extdb-conf.ini ;; This is functional, should be working fine. Just needs abit of testing on a $ ;; Allow for changing Address for those running server in a VM environment. IP = Port = 1337 ;; Rcon Password i.e Battleye/beserver.cfg Password = mypassword ************************************************************************** Server Command Password in @Exileserver\config.cfg serverCommandPassword = "mypassword";
  4. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    I'll set it and give it a restart and see what happens.
  5. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    That was not set, maybe that is the cause of the issue?
  6. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    I verified the password even to the point of copy/pasting the passwords across the beserver.cfg, @ExileServer\config.cfg , exile_server_config\config.cpp files just in case my brain was fried from messing with it so long. I'm at work ATM so no TS, But thanks for the offer.
  7. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    Here's the options I set in Infistar /* shows RESTART IN X MINS */ USE_RESTART_TIMER = true; /* show time left to next restart */ RESTART_TIME_IN_M = 180; /* restart time in minutes (default: 180min == 3 hours) */ SHOW_TIMER_IN_MIN[] = {1,2,3,5,10}; /* minutes before restart, when message is shown */ USE_RESTART_TIMER_SHUTDOWN = true; /* #shutdown the server after RESTART_TIME_IN_M minutes */ My batch file is the one included in the installation guide done up by S. that detects the process down and restarts it. I can kill the arma3server.exe process manually and it will bring it back up just fine, it's just the #shutdown that isn't happening. @echo off color 0a title Exile Monitor Tanoa :Serverstart echo Launching Server C: cd "C:\Arma\Server" echo Exile Server Monitor... Active ! start "Arma3" /min /wait arma3server.exe -mod=C:\Arma\Server\@exile;Kart;Mark;Heli; -servermod=@exileserver; -config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit ping -n 15 >NUL echo Exile Server Shutdown ... Restarting! ping -n 5 >NUL cls goto Serverstart
  8. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    I tried to use the Infistar restart but it didn't work either and didn't send any "Restart Warnings" in game. I have a restart.bat file that works once the arma3server.exe process is killed it's just killing the process and giving some prior warning in game part that I need to sort out. I'm wondering if it isn't something up with my battleye as I can't connect using a program like Dart or EPM Rcon but maybe I'm thinking wrong on that.
  9. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    Can't find a different host as I am the host, Running Exile on Windows Server 2012 R2 that has hosted 3 other Exile servers from the previous build without a hitch using the same setup as this one. Just drives me a little bonkers when things like the restart don't work, It's part of my OCD I guess...
  10. hand soloz

    Server Doesn't Shut Down

    Have a fresh server setup going and my biggest problem seems to be the restart, Server doesn't shut down and isn't logging anything that I can find in the rpt. Things I have checked: C:\Arma\Server\battleye\BEServer.cfg RConPassword mypassword C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg serverCommandPassword = "mypassword"; C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword serverPassword = "mypassword"; Config.cpp file setting are as follows class RCON { /* Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled */ // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword serverPassword = "mypassword"; // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players useAutoLock = 0; // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes) restartAutoLock = 3; /* Number of hours and minutes of your restart period. Examples: {4, 0} = Every 4 hours {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?) */ restartTimer[] = {3, 0}; /* Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss. We strongely recommend to use this! 0 = off 1 = on */ useAutoKick = 0; /* Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two minutes! */ kickTime = 2; /* Self-explanatory 0 = off 1 = on */ useRestartMessages = 1; /* Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players. Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested. */ restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; /* If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown', to try to shutdown the server */ useShutdown = 1; }; Also not getting restart messages broadcast in game if that helps diagnose the problem Any advice would be appreciated.
  11. Everything is stock as far as the setup goes, haven't modified anything from the mod or the addons as far as settings go, running the stock Tanoa map with the default safezones so not sure why it's doing it.
  12. Any idea of how to keep the AI from shooting players in the safezone? The AI Heli Patrol keeps killing people while they are at the traders?
  13. hand soloz

    [SOLVED] Exile Esseker Tree Chopping - most models don't work

    Im running both newer A3 version on client and serverside and tree chopping is still a no go. Using AIATP, Mas Vehicles and Weapons and yes the hotfix was in place already.
  14. hand soloz

    [SOLVED] Esseker server key

    I have those fixes applied, that's not the issue, unless there's a CfgCustomCode in the map directory I'm not aware of, again I can swap the @Esseker folders on the client and server side, restart, and the wood chopping works fine, put in the new ones and the wood chopping doesn't work, put in the old ones it works, put in the new ones it doesn't work, put in the old ones it works, etc, etc, etc
  15. hand soloz

    [SOLVED] Esseker server key

    I got a key from the creator but there's an issue with the trees not producing logs, I can switch the maps out between old / new versions changing NOTHING ELSE but the @Esseker folders and it works fine on the old version.