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About OutOfNicks

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  1. OutOfNicks


    Best server ever! Hard mode enabled, no running around and having full military gear in 15 mins. Here you will cherish that hard gained LRPS! Tobias Solem (server owner) is a very approachable fellow, always willing to help. He listens to feedback from the server population, tweaking stuff and implementing new things. I really like the harder difficulty, when you are finally able to buy a car it really is worth something, those poptabs required blood, sweat & tears. There is lots do to on the server, many missions and/or PvP. Aaaaaand there is the radioactive/zombie island which is just bloody EPIC!!! Sweating under your gasmask, you and your friends strain to hear the next attacking zombie while on the lookout for that pesky NPC patrol, the geiger counter crackling like mad, while simultaneously running from the AI chopper. Not for the faint of heart! If you are looking for a challenging but rewarding exile experience look no further! If you need help on the server, ask for help in the side channel! Server population is nice & helpful (even if they may shoot you ;-)! My ingame name is "true", always willing to help.
  2. OutOfNicks

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    I would gladly beta test ^^
  3. OutOfNicks

    [SOLVED] Screen freezes in 'Lime' update

    +1, me & my mates & me had that yesterday on the Pixelkiller server. Getting worse over time, at the end 3-5 seconds of complete freeze, even the sound stopped
  4. Got kicked by Battleye, "set variable restriction", when i tried to turn on the generator
  5. OutOfNicks

    Bug collection for RC 0.9.4

    Could not access the lada's inventory from the outside, only while sitting in it. Great work guys, thumbs up! Thanks a lot!