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Everything posted by Chess

  1. Which was the entire point of the ability to toggle it, but I do see what you're saying. While my main point wasn't to stop admins from working, it was simply a by product of the main point, just a nice feature that that I thought would be great on a PVE server. But then again as I said above, it doesn't have much of a function on a PvP server unless you want it to be harder to steal vehicles, which honestly it may or may not be that difficult but it's a little harder for me to gauge the PvP side of things, since I don't play on PvP servers that often, too much of a grind that can be reduced to rubble in too little of time as I see it.
  2. I'd like to start by thanking you guys for taking the time to find out what we'd like to see in Exile, and Secondly to thank the Exile developers and the Community for everything that has put into Exile thus far, and finally add my own suggestion of a feature, that should probably be able to be toggled server-side, making so that in order to sell a player owned vehicle you have to know the PIN to able to sell it, not just merely sit in the driver's seat.
  3. Believe me, i'm well aware of unreasonable requests with neglect to the other side of the implementation, but in this case, it's to make car thievery require some actual skill so that not just anyone who can camp an area or raid a base can steal and sell a vehicle. Also, I meant this as a suggestion, not a finalized, implementation ready feature to exile, I'm completely open for improvements on this idea, so instead of just saying "I don't like this because I don't wanna go through the hassle of getting a pin to sell a vehicle" give myself and the rest of the thread something solid to improve on this idea like BetterDeadThanZed or MrEnzO, that's valuable and thought provoking input, and the advice of Saintz is most certainly appreciated as well, so thank you to those giving to the thread over simply telling me you don't like it, but in the same sense obviously those of you whom say you don't like it must have a reason, so feel free to share, and perhaps we'll have cool feature that we can all agree upon by the end of this.
  4. you can absolutely still steal it, just as easily I might add, it would just be slightly harder to sell
  5. But again it doesn't mean you can't still steal vehicle, it doesn't eliminate car theft at all, it just makes selling stolen vehicles harder, which isn't holding your hand by any means, it's just making it harder for thieves to get away with it, which actually makes the game MORE difficult by comparison, because you'd still have to find and kill the thief if you are even able to, and as for the thief, he'd use whatever tools and means necessary to get the PIN before he's found out, which then adds a greater time crunch on said thief's window of opportunity and if you're too slow oh well your car got sold or the thief was too slow and got him or herself shot over the vehicle. so no, I'm not asking for a mechanic that holds player's hands necessarily, I'm asking for a difficulty increase if anything.
  6. Now hear me out, that's why I stated it should be able to be toggled, as it doesn't really serve a purpose to PvP unless you want to add extra difficulty and even give people a chance to reclaim their vehicle, however in say PvE it can be used as an anti theft Mechanism without having to lock every Vehicle say in the Trader if you go into buy equiptment, so they can still get stolen but in order to sell them you have to figure out the code, like if you were trying to raid a base or otherwise.