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About USMChrdcharger

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  1. USMChrdcharger

    Visual Bug with Optics at Night

    I can't see your pics very good on my work computer. is it where the screen turns this weird red when looking through the scope. That keeps happening to me.
  2. USMChrdcharger

    Renaming your territory

    Unless the admins didn't know how, it would be nice to be able to rename your territory or at least a feature that allows the admins to do it. I saw in the forums, where I play, that a territory's name violated the servers rules and was discovered recently. The admins were giving the guy a warning that his base would have to be deleted. They would let him rename it, but unfortunately that's not an option. That is just one example of a reason to be able to do so.
  3. USMChrdcharger

    Car Keys and Locking

    yes for the love of god...keys. so stupid that someone can just keep putting in codes until they steel your ride. are they all fords with that key pad thing above the door unrealistic. I would rather someone steel my vehicle from my cold dead body than to be offline and they steel it (Give me a fighting chance). Plus it is fun to kill and find a key when much more interactive. Or at least let me choose when I buy a vehicle to have a key or that is a happy medium solution. Reset the vote and add that as an option....Key, pin code, or the choice of either at point of sell.
  4. The crew takes on Exile for the very first time. Also a look into the Dynamic Duo collecting the things needed to establish themselves. Money, Vehicles, Flag Pole, and a Base. Also see if we survive being shot down in our chopper. Note: 1st and 2nd scenes (very short scenes) was shot on the first night the mod was released and played on a server that allows 3rd person...the main story is shot on this server.
  5. USMChrdcharger

    Exile Gameplay Ep 2 "dynamic duo" Vid #77

    Scene after scene of pure action. If you like gun battles and things that go boom...this Vid is for you!