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Everything posted by HeadlessRocket

  1. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    I'm looking for help to setup headless client on gtxgaming for a3xai if anyone could help it would be great
  2. So i created my first static AI mission for DMS mission sytem. It's called the Military Raid it is a basic military instalation that is spawned in using DMS but can also be occupied by VEMFReloaded, all setings can be configured to your liking. Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwnDum6odAHIRDdIWXJ6RldZNTA Installing. 1. Copy Military_Raid.sqf into a3_dms.pbo missions/static 2. Copy Military_Raid_buildings.sqf into a3_dms.pbo objects/static 3. Extract map_configs/altis_config.sqf 4. Find DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1]]; Change to (or add extra) DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1],["Military_Raid",1]]; 5. Find DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects"]; Change to (or add extra) DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects","Military_Raid_buildings"]; 6. Repack altis_config.sqf into PBO 7. Put a3_dms.pbo into /@ExileServer/addons/ on server and start.
  3. get this warning message about 3 times every time i log onto my server
  4. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    ok i just removed the files from the arma directory and all servers work fine
  5. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    i keep getting an error message everytime i join a server i have managed to join one server, i tried to reinstall and still here so i have no idea
  6. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    it seems to be any server standard or modded i have found 2 servers i can join [EU] e-Monkeys.com Tanoa Wasteland standard wasteland ExileYorkshire.co.uk|tanoa exile mod and extended base mod
  7. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    ]tried joining through a3launcher and the standard arma launcher same results, i can get on one server
  8. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    i verified didnt work so i reinstalled same results
  9. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    can anyone help with this
  10. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    the files it is saying are arma 3 game files tried connecting to the official exile server and get this error
  11. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    it does it with both
  12. HeadlessRocket

    Spawning AI With Infistar

    is it posible to spawn ai or missions with infistar i have dms and a3xai just wondering if a can spawn ai
  13. HeadlessRocket

    20 minutes server startup time

  14. HeadlessRocket

    20 minutes server startup time

    for some reason my server takes 20-30 mins to start up it only happened after i installed a3xai i dont have headlessclient as i dont know how to set it up on gtxgaming. I never had this problem last time i had a server with them and im using the same mods/scripts, so if anyone can help it would be apreciated
  15. HeadlessRocket

    20 minutes server startup time

    So, I contacted gtxgaming and they said i should try a fresh server so, i did and now everything works flawlessly. Just a problem with the server i guess as i am now getting 30-40fps but i have increased the ai count now i have fps.
  16. HeadlessRocket

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    Just added my first mission Mission Name - Military Raid Creator - HeadlessRocket Map - Altis http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/11191-new-a3_dms-static-mission-defent-mission-system/
  17. HeadlessRocket

    remoteexec #0

    that works thanks
  18. HeadlessRocket

    remoteexec #0

    got this kick from a rhs vehicle #0 "lockturret [R Alpha 1-3:1 (HeadlessRocket) REMOTE,[[0],true]]" tried this and didnt work !="lockturret [R Alpha 1-3:1 (HeadlessRocket) REMOTE,[[0],true]]"
  19. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

  20. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

  21. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    you mean mission.sqm
  22. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    didnt work
  23. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    hostname = "Headless Exile | Host: GTXGaming.co.uk | (0.9.41|1.54 RC2)"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = "nothing"; serverCommandPassword = "nothing"; logFile = "server.log"; verifySignatures = 2; BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 133596; allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"}; motdInterval = 5; maxPlayers = 30; voteMissionPlayers = 200; voteThreshold = 200; disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 10; persistent = 1; kickDuplicate = 1; equalModRequired = 0; timeStampFormat = "short"; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)"; motd[] = {"Welcome to Exile Mod Version 0.9.41|1.54 RC2", "Host: www.GTXGaming.co.uk", "Please report bugs on our forums.", "Enjoy your stay!" }; class Missions { class Exile { template = Exile.Altis; difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcore }; localClient[]={}; headlessClients[] = {""}; battleyeLicense=1; };
  24. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    ive tried my own ip
  25. HeadlessRocket

    Headless Client Setup for GTX Gaming

    its an exile package