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  1. Bushwookie.net

    Change log for next update

    This thread is cancer...
  2. Bushwookie.net

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Any response for this? Currently, we've just removed the transport pods and put the transport variants of the helicopter back in...
  3. Bushwookie.net

    Insta Doc on other players?

    Yes, we did add it. We also spent a combined total of about a hundred hours tweaking and troubleshooting it to get "Farooq's revive" to work with Exile... probably don't even need to call it that anymore... should be "Keith's revive" maybe. If any of you are planning on trying to add a revive script, I wish you the best of luck. If you send me a mailing address, I'll even send you a bottle of Aspirin... or maybe Vishpirin.
  4. Bushwookie.net

    [CLOSED] Restrict the number of Constructions per flag

    Minecraft is always an option. I heard that might not be an 8-bit game someday. The fact of the matter is, you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want good performance on a populated server, you have to restrict the number of base parts. If you want to play "minecraft", then you won't get good performance on a populated server. I personally don't care if they implement this into the official mod because it was pretty simple for us to implement the restriction on our own... but I could certainly understand them doing it.
  5. Bushwookie.net

    Rolling Changelog 0.9.36 Vehicle Capacity

    I disagree completely. Their storage is way higher than the crates and they are completely indestructible. I have not had 1 single instance of a player being killed by placing a safe. If you are having players getting killed by placing a safe, perhaps they need to be wearing helmets (IRL). Since safes are so OP, and my players aren't a bunch pansies and are willing to accept that they will lose gear sometimes, I increased the price of safes on my server to 25k... honestly I wish they were destructible or something... the thermal scanner is a start... but it isn't very realistic to expect that raiders are going to kill the players inside a base, and blow their way into the safe room within 15 minutes of the base occupants using the safe lock. I really hope they implement some sort of brute force, safe cracking device in the future. Edit: I also hope they implement some sort of official deterrent to those who prefer to raid bases while the owners are offline.
  6. Bushwookie.net

    VPS Maximum limit?

    This seems irrelevant... OP is having 45 players on his server... which is way different than 2 or 3... OP, if you are gonna have more than 40 people... get a dedicated box... not a VPS... not a VDS... a DS.
  7. Bushwookie.net

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    When the transport and transport bench pods are attached to a helicopter or loaded onto a tempset, the passenger seems to be unable to control their camera like normal... any ideas?
  8. Bushwookie.net

    Fixed in latest Exile patch ( > 0.9.35 )

  9. Bushwookie.net

    loot in Territory (flag)

    We disabled that on our server... don't recall how. There is no reason that loot shouldn't spawn within 1 km of the traders... those are some of the best loot spots in the game and it is a good way for lone players to make some cash. This was tied to the radius from flags that loot wouldn't spawn so we literally just commented that part out of the loot spawning script so that it doesn't check to see if it is near the trader/territory before spawning loot.
  10. Bushwookie.net

    Why am I losing respect?

    We don't have VEMF
  11. Bushwookie.net

    Death Message Spam

    Related to the "problematic network coding" of the latest arma patch from my understanding.
  12. Bushwookie.net

    Should vehicles be lockable at all times?

    Not lockable in combat.
  13. Bushwookie.net

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    There is an exile bug that causes people to just lose tons of respect, 5-10k or more, for no real reason. I think they identified the cause... but I've had it happen to me a couple times and I know most people have.
  14. Bushwookie.net

    Server crashing

    This fix didn't work for me.