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Everything posted by xtr3m3
Hello, i'm searching the statusbar script. i know it was in at the old forum, but i cant find it here. Has someone the files + instructions for me? Thx!
Jap, wir haben ähnliches. Da hilft in der Regel nur die mpmissions Datei (beim Client) zu löschen und/oder ein neues Profil zu erstellen. Die häufigen Crashes frustrieren die Spieler schon auf Dauer..
What did you change? Maybe interesting for other players
No only the MPKilled.sqf in the exilz/init/code folder Of course you have to activate giving poptabs/respect in the fn_init.. that is the part in the MPkilled.sqf if (EnableMoneyOnKill or EnableRespectOnKill) then { // Update client database entry //format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _money, (getPlayerUID _playerObj)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _money, _playerObj getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _respect, (getPlayerUID _playerObj)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; };
@OlderRetro That fixes the Poptab Issue for me. Working with Exile 1.0.0 and latest ExileZ + Tanoa/Panthera3
Genau das hatte ich auch... Beim erstmaligen Start hat er das autoinit angemeckert gehabt... Irgendwas mit persistent mission file.. Naja, zum glück gefixed..
Ich habe -autoInit zu meinen startparametern zuhingefügt, nun startet der server weiter durch..
[SOLVED] GR8's Kill Messages Broken Since Update
xtr3m3 replied to StonedReality's topic in General Discussion
i have the same problem with the kill messages... The ExileServer_object_player_event_onMpKilled file changed a lot.. try and error.. maybe someone can get it to work -
MPKilled.sqf in exilez/init/code Folder I have Poptabs and Respect activated in config. // ExileZ 2.0 by Patrix87 of http:\\multi-jeux.quebec // // Original script by eraser1 and IT07 // private [ "_unit", "_killer", "_playerObj", "_veh", "_killMsg", "_killMsgRoad", "_roadKilled", "_respect", "_respectChange", "_roadKillBonus", "_money", "_zombieMoney", "_zombieRespect", "_distanceBonusDivider", "_minDistance", "_cqbDistance", "_cqbBonus", "_distance", "_killerRespectPoints", "_safetoblow", "_explode" ]; _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; _playerObj = objNull; _roadKilled = false; _respectChange = 0; _killerRespectPoints = []; _safetoblow = true; _explode = false; //Parameters _zombieMoney = ZombieMoney; //default = 5; // Money per zombie kill _zombieRespect = ZombieRespect; //default = 10; // Respect per zombie kill _roadKillBonus = RoadKillBonus; //default = -5; // Bonus Respect if roadkill _minDistance = MinDistance; //default = 50; // Minimal distance for range bonus _cqbDistance = CqbDistance; //default = 10; // Minimal ditance for close quarter bonus _cqbBonus = CqbBonus; //default = 40; // Respect for close quarter bonus at 1 meter _distanceBonusDivider = DistanceBonusDivider; //default = 10; // Distance divided by that number = respect E.G. 300m / [20] = 15 Respect // _killMsg = ["ZOMBIE WACKED","ZOMBIE CLIPPED","ZOMBIE DISABLED","ZOMBIE DISQUALIFIED","ZOMBIE WIPED","ZOMBIE WIPED","ZOMBIE ERASED","ZOMBIE LYNCHED","ZOMBIE WRECKED","ZOMBIE NEUTRALIZED","ZOMBIE SNUFFED","ZOMBIE WASTED","ZOMBIE ZAPPED"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _killMsgRoad = ["ZOMBIE ROADKILL","ZOMBIE SMASHED","ERMAHGERD ROADKILL"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; if(ExplosiveZombies) then { if (ExplosiveZombiesRatio > random 100) then { _killerRespectPoints pushBack [(format ["%1",ExplosiveZombieWarning]), ExplosiveRespect]; _explode = true; }; }; //Roadkill or not if (isPlayer _killer) then { _veh = vehicle _killer; _playerObj = _killer; if (!(_killer isKindOf "Exile_Unit_Player") && {!isNull (gunner _killer)}) then { _playerObj = gunner _killer; }; if (!(_veh isEqualTo _killer) && {(driver _veh) isEqualTo _killer}) then { _playerObj = driver _veh; _roadKilled = true; }; }; _respect = _playerObj getVariable ["ExileScore", 0]; _money = _playerObj getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]; //Scoring if ((!isNull _playerObj) && {((getPlayerUID _playerObj) != "") && {_playerObj isKindOf "Exile_Unit_Player"}}) then { //Default _killerRespectPoints pushBack [(format ["%1",_killMsg]), _zombieRespect]; //RoadkillBonus if (_roadKilled) then { _killerRespectPoints pushBack [(format ["%1",_killMsgRoad]), _roadKillBonus]; } else //DistanceBonus { _distance = _unit distance _playerObj; if (_distance > _minDistance) then { _distanceBonus = (floor (_distance / _distanceBonusDivider)); _killerRespectPoints pushBack [(format ["%1m RANGE BONUS", (round _distance)]), _distanceBonus]; }; if (_distance <= _cqbDistance) then { _distanceBonus = round((floor ((_cqbDistance + 1) - _distance)) * ( _cqbBonus /_cqbDistance)); _killerRespectPoints pushBack [(format ["%1m CQB BONUS", (round _distance)]), _distanceBonus]; }; }; // Calculate killer's respect and money { _respectChange = (_respectChange + (_x select 1)); } forEach _killerRespectPoints; _respect = (_respect + _respectChange); _money = (_money + _zombieMoney); if (EnableMoneyOnKill) then { [_playerObj, "moneyReceivedRequest", [str _money, "Killing Zombies"]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; _playerObj setVariable ["ExileMoney", _money, true]; }; if (EnableRespectOnKill) then { [_playerObj, "showFragRequest", [_killerRespectPoints]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; _playerObj setVariable ["ExileScore", _respect]; ExileClientPlayerScore = _respect; (owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore"; ExileClientPlayerScore = nil; }; if (EnableMoneyOnKill or EnableRespectOnKill) then { // Update client database entry format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _money, _playerObj getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _respect, (getPlayerUID _playerObj)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; }; }; if(_explode) then { { if (((_x select 0) distance (position _unit)) < (_x select 1)) exitwith {_safetoblow = false}; }Foreach SafeZonePositions; if (_safetoblow) then { sleep ExplosionDelay; ExplosiveType createvehicle position _unit; }; };
@B.A.D. format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _money, _playerObj getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; _playerObject vs _playerObj The Code above is working for me
____________________________________________________________ SERVER FEATURES // HNS-GAMING.DE - Join the Adventure! Advanced Crafting Recipes / You have to craft your Stuff! e.g Safe, Antivirus Pills/Injectors,... DMS (24 Missions) ZCP (Base Capture) Town Invasions Dynamic Roaming Vehicle AI Custom Buildings (Bridges to all Island) Customized Loot Table Customized Traders Custom Trader Cities Custom Tradertables (CUP) Zombies & Demons Large hordes will spawn randomly on players Walkers only (no jumping zeds) Helicopter Crashes Virtual Garage Supply Drops Deploy Bike XM8 Apps Recipe Book Rules View Distance Settings Timesetting 3 Hours Day 1 Hour Night WIP More Custom Buildings, Recipes,... ZOMBIE ISLAND!!! REQUIRED MODS: Panthera3 Exile Cup Core MAS Weapons MAS Vehicle Ryans Zombies Extended Base Mod (Only if you want to build the new cool stuff )
- 1 review
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- base capture
- custom trader
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Update to Exile 0.9.8!
- base capture
- custom trader
(and 4 more)
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[Release] Announce due dates of territory payment on logon (Updated 5/1).
xtr3m3 replied to Lunchbox's topic in Scripts
Hello, i made some changes for the 0.9.8 Update: _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; { _flag = _x; _buildRights = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []]; if (_playerUID in _buildRights) then { _nextDueDate = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryMaintenanceDue", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; _name = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryName", ""]; _dueDate = format [ "%3/%2/%1", _nextDueDate select 0, _nextDueDate select 1, _nextDueDate select 2 ]; //["TaskCreated",["",format["<t color='#E48A36'>%2</t> territory payment due: <t color='#E48A36'>%1</t>",_dueDate,_name]]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; ["InfoTitleAndText", ["Territory Information", format ["Payment Due for: <t color='#E48A36'>%2</t><br/>Date: <t color='#E48A36'>%1</t><br/>Pay your Base at Office Trader!",_dueDate,_name]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; } forEach (allMissionObjects "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"); I had one Battleye Kick: 7 allMissionObjects !="eClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;\n\n\n\n};\n}\nforEach (allMissionObjects "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static");" Maybe there are more on your Servers. Screen: -
Heyho, i found another "issue". My Admins tested the Deploy Bike Option with the get in Vehicle Option enabled. Its possible to glitch into Bases with this Option. I have the latest Infistar Version running and all wall checks etc enabled. Just for information :(. I have to disable it.. Players are assholes and try everything to "raid" Bases. :P.
I think there is a typo in the Init.sqf. DefaultVehicle = ["Bike","Exile_Bike_MountainBike"; //Note if you change this default vehicle here you must manually change it in the server pbo as well! Missing ] after Mountainbike" I added it, and it worked.
[Release] ZCP - Zupa's (& City) Capture Points 3.1 ( 23 september update )
xtr3m3 replied to Zupa's topic in Add-ons
Hello, i have the same with the blank popup messages. Another issue is, that the money is not saved on the player after relog/restart. Maybe eraser or Zupa can fix this. Thx for the Script and Fixes. -
ExileZ and RyanZombies are working on my Server without Problems with the new update 0.9.8.
You must add skipLobby = 1; in your old description.ext
Do you have maybe some new news/updates? How is the developement?
- 52 replies
- admin panel
- a3ap
(and 3 more)
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Server Key ausgetauscht? Die Server pbo kann die alte bleiben, war zumindest bei mir so.. Ich habe den @Exile Ordner ausgetauscht, sowie den Server Key.
Wenn dir Panthera zusagt, kannst du auch gerne mal bei uns vorbeischauen
Updated to Arma3 1.60 and Hotfix 0.9.61!!
- base capture
- custom trader
(and 4 more)
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Sie stehen leider auch nur dumm rum...
Bei mir auf dem Testserver läuft auch bisher alles. Auch Zombies und Demons. Musste bisher nur 2 Battleye Kicks eintragen. Die Visual Updates sind aber grausam (zumindest auf Panthera...)