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About Bobroglaz

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  1. Bobroglaz

    $$ customize my server $$ please

    Perfectly said
  2. I've asked the same question many times. I think theirs a difference between needing some help vs wanting someone to run it. Another thing I don't understand is who's paying for all those server that set empty? lol
  3. Bobroglaz

    Infi Logs

    Thank you Chris
  4. Bobroglaz

    Infi Logs

    I have my infi setup to send the logs to the database, but it seems I'm missing some logs I have : Connectlog, server_info, netids, tokenlog, surveillancelog, adminlog Will Infi also log Purchases, sells, gliching, damage?
  5. Bobroglaz

    Pay to win bei Exile erlaubt?

    500,00 tabs 100 pound....what a bargain
  6. Bobroglaz

    ExileLife Teaser Videos

    So the exile mods dont mind you posting this stuff here
  7. Bobroglaz


    Great Job SC....Question iS your LogNameChanges.sql work with the current DB?
  8. Bobroglaz

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Thank you!!!
  9. Bobroglaz

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Any ETA guys and Lady
  10. Bobroglaz

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Who....Just Wow +1
  11. Bobroglaz

    [SOLVED] GR8's Kill Messages Broken Since Update

    This will not work with Kiwi and btw it's the same.
  12. Check your Boats and Guards
  13. Bobroglaz

    Memory Crash Work Around

    I have no clue why this works, but it seems too. THx
  14. Bobroglaz

    Cleanup Bikes Script

    unless your allowing your players to spawn bikes, you won't need this
  15. Bobroglaz

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    Very cool.