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About AbsentOwl

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  1. AbsentOwl

    Invisible keys

    Image attached. Got -mod=@Exile;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF
  2. AbsentOwl

    Not all required mods showing in Expansions

    May not effect anything but try loading @CUP Units;@CUP Vehicles;@CUP Weapons before the core/maps. CBA needs to be before anything CUP related so keep that there.
  3. AbsentOwl

    Not all required mods showing in Expansions

    Have you copied all the required keys into your servers Keys folder?
  4. AbsentOwl

    Invisible keys

    Hi guys, Wonder if anyone else has had any issue with this. Running an exile server with RHSAFRF, RHSUSAF, Extended Base(EB). When USAF & EB are enabled required mods all show correctly when joining the server. when AFRF is enabled there are 3 invisible mods showing. I've got the latest keys and have redownloaded all the files but the issue is still occuring. RPT shows no issues that correlate to this issue. Anybody able to assist.
  5. AbsentOwl

    Script restriction #34 (36)

    As well as some additional filters i've had this just pop up, anyone else get this or have any idea of the filter to add to rectify this. #34 "e "lastGestFreezeT"; if (_VBtemp + 25 < time) then { if (isPlayer _this) then {} else { if (random 10 < 6) then { if" to this and add to line 36 !="e \"lastGestFreezeT\";\n\nif (_VBtemp + 25 < time) then\n{\n\nif (isPlayer _this) then {}\nelse\n{\nif (random 10 < 6) then\n {\n\n\n\n\n\n\nif"
  6. AbsentOwl

    Script #1

    Got this coming up with the log and kicking players, havent added anything which should result in this. #1 "mNetId _objectID; if !(isNull _object) then { _object setVariable ["ExileAlreadyKnownCode",_this select 2]; }; (_this select 0) " What would i need to add to line 3?
  7. AbsentOwl


    Line 52, "Exile_Trader_Community"
  8. AbsentOwl


    You need to change the trader from community to one of your choice, or add items to the community traders list.
  9. AbsentOwl


    I believe i have Faces last release but i may be mistaken. No additional weapon packs on this server, its a bare-bones Exile Altis.
  10. AbsentOwl

    Disappearing Ammo

    That's what I said
  11. AbsentOwl


    At wp8 the way point markers no longer follow the order you've set. Wp8 calls wp2
  12. AbsentOwl


    It's happened @800-1km for me but at places up to 4-5k for other. Such as ambushing them at Rodopoli
  13. AbsentOwl


    First i say thanks to Face for his wonderful AI scripts which we've used for ages. Since the latest update i've noticed alot of the roaming ai turn invincible and although alot of them are not aggressive some are. Anyone else had this issue and found a fix as my RPT is showing nothing wrong even with debug set to advanced.
  14. AbsentOwl

    Disappearing Ammo

    Could it be to do with the new weight system not allowing people to have too much weight on their person, the excess weight being dropped in the form of mags?
  15. AbsentOwl

    AIA TP Assistance Required

    Hi there, When adding AIA and its key to the server we gain the message below on the rtp and nothing else after it. Warning Message: Addon 'AiA_Afghan_Config' requires addon 'CAStructures_E' Can anyone shed some light of the situation. Edit: AIA Lite doesn't have this issue.