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  1. Hey guys! I am getting kicked after installing the BAdmin Menu and I get kicked with the Battleye Script restriction #18 and i can only Close my game with ALT+F4 or by the Tast-manager I Need help!
  2. Leonard


    Yeah but there Need to be someone who can help me to solve this script restriction #18
  3. Leonard


    So what do I Need to do now? I am not as good at Scripting as you guys are
  4. Leonard


    Yes i replaced the Scripts.txt with this : or you can replace your scritps.txt for it: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=drCkNH74
  5. Leonard


  6. Leonard


    I did but now i get kicked by battleye Script restriction #18 and I cant even Close my game
  7. Leonard


    I want to install it and I do it like it´s told to me but it does not work, could you please help me?
  8. Moin liebe Community! Ich benötige eure Hilfe! Ich habe auf meinen Nitrado Server das neue Exile draufgespielt und auch beide RHS Ordner hochgeladen, eingetragen, auch die Keys in den Key Ordner gezogen. Ich kann auch einen Slot auswählen und runterladen, er bleibt aber ca bei 40Kb hängen und es geh nicht weiter. Hier ist die Logdatei: http://pastebin.com/tZ3m0Li1
  9. Leonard

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    I did it like you said but it´s not working? Can you give me a german Installation?
  10. Leonard

    in game admin panel - need suggestions

    Can I already get it? I have an EXILE Server but I can´t afford infiSTAR so can I get it?