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Everything posted by theduke

  1. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    Dude this is awesome. MANY thanks. and many thanks to EVERYONE who has helped me. Ill give this a try and post on the appropriate thread if i have any issues... THANKS AGAIN!!!
  2. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    Ok so here it goes, I have been banging my head with this for at least a month now. Im trying to have vehicles skins per UID, like the flags. I had someone help me, but sadly the code doesnt work properly. By looking at it, and with my limited knowledge, it seems it should work. But obvioulsy doesnt lol This is the file in question that seems to be the one that needs to be modified ExileClient_gui_vehicleCustomsDialog_updateVehicle.sqf the text in bold is what was added and here is the addition to the config.cpp oh and yes i did the CfgExileCustomCode part also. Any help would be greatly appreciate, as i've exhausted everything that i know... Duke
  3. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    appreciate the help! client RPT Lots of junk in there haha
  4. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    same outcome config.cpp and the ExileClient_gui_vehicleCustomsDialog_updateVehicle.sqf
  5. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    ah man that worked...BUT....the skin doesnt populate on the vehicle... its now showning in the list at least lol were getting closer. I just want to cry wahhhhh haha
  6. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    Like so? class VipSkins { class Exile_Car_Strider { Skins[] = { {"Exile_Car_Strider", 100, "TMNT", {"textures\stridertmnt.paa"};} }; }; };
  7. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    which is what i thought. In my original post it is the way i have it.
  8. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    So if i understnad correctly in my class vipskins the vehicle itself should have _absract at the end? Here is a part of my config.cpp This part is included in the original custom skins by exile (CfgVehicleCustoms) and works fine. I used a different camo skin to see if it worked. class Exile_Car_Strider_abstract { skins[] = { {"Exile_Car_Strider", 100, "CAMO", {"textures\stridercamo.paa"};} }; }; And for the VIP part i tried this. (from what i understood, its looking for the _abstract) and sadly it didnt work. class VipSkins { class Exile_Car_Strider_abstract { Skins[] = { {"Exile_Car_Strider_abstract", 100, "TMNT", {"textures\stridertmnt.paa"};} }; };
  9. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    The skins work if i add them in the normal array of custom skins. I've made about 6 or 7 skins. They all work. But as soon as i add them under the VipSkins array, they dont. The script, from what it reads (or what i understand). If the player is in that list of VipPlayer, those skins are added to the existing list of skins for that vehicle. I not sure exactly what you mean... how exactly should it be formatted? Thanks for the help guys!
  10. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

    lol nope
  11. theduke

    Vehicle skin per UID

  12. theduke

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    can i join you on this mod pack? I wanted to make one also, but i think id would be best to keep it all in one mod. here is one i made
  13. theduke

    Exile continues!

    Oh im so happy!
  14. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    Is there anyone with a bit of knowledge that can chime in and help us? Id really appreciate it. Thanks
  15. theduke

    should i ask for Refund

    umm wow checking those prices and setups they are nice. They even offer free OS, windows included in some. Are you with them?
  16. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    no... But i think we were editing the wrong file. I had someone with knowledge help me out a bit. Sadly the script doesnt work, but by reading it, it should.... Essentially this is the file that needs editing. ExileClient_gui_vehicleCustomsDialog_updateVehicle.sqf The part in light grey is what was added...but sadly doesnt work and in the config.cpp
  17. theduke

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Any mod you add, needs to be i nthe root of our arma 3 folder. Unless the A3launcher has a different path to your mods. But even as for your plugins... the 3den and exile plugin need to be in your root of arma 3. Did you watch the video just above?
  18. theduke

    Vehicle textures

    Im currently working on a few skins... I was thinking maybe doing alot more and once im done, making it a steam addon if enough people would be interested. Here are a couple skins. The TRD one isnt fully completed in this picture if you look at the front fender lol The hardest part is figuring out each panel in the templates lol But i was doing this because its the only thing you "can" have as perks on arma 3. I have yet to figure out how to create a VIP skin trader... scripting...i get by. Graphics, its my trade lol
  19. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    I figured id relax and wait till someone with knowledge can chime in and send us in the right direction lol Heres something i've been working on....something i KNOW what im doing haha
  20. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    well i've tried everything that was within my knowledge lol. Nothing worked sadly
  21. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    hmmm this is the flag code and the ExileClient_gui_vehicleCustomsDialog_show.sqf It would be a matter of taking the myuid part and merging it with the above...but thats above my knowledge lol... im trying a few things out see if it works
  22. theduke

    Vehicle Textures by UID

    oh wow lol i didnt know the flags were capable of doing this. lol I've been trying for weeks to do the same thing you are doing, but i was taking a much more complicated approach lol I was trying to to add a button on the xm8, that would have a UID array, that would open the custom skin GUI and instead of pulling from CfgVehicleCustoms in the config.cpp. I created a second CfgVehicleCustomsVIP with the custom skins. I managed to get the button on the xm8, it opens the skin gui and shows your vehicles, but does not populate the custom skins.. So after seeing this...looking at the file the flags use ExileClient_gui_setupTerritoryDialog_show, it would be as easy as looking how they did it there... wondering if you have figured it out?
  23. theduke

    Underwater Crate Script

    This is sweet, Im working on a underwater city with caves... This will be perfect!! Thanks
  24. theduke

    Fancy Welcome Dialog

    I created one like this for arma 2. Basically warns players of the recent server updates when they login. I added the file with my welcome messages, and in the init of the welcome messages i added #include updates.sqf. Everytime they login they get that screen. Very easy to make in the editor.
  25. theduke

    Keys not signed by server

    Did you add the new mods to your server launch parameters? If your client is launching the mod and the server isnt launching the mod it will cause this. as for the loot i dont know, im new to exile. Havnt looked through that stuff yet, maybe someone else can chime in