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About xmg559

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  1. yes, im using vanilla arma 3 editor with exile and ryans zombies. ive never used m3 yet. and once i saved the missions i rapify it too. yes zombies spawn hordes just fine. too fine haha i get overrun very easilly. and cleanup works too well too. they dissapear while i look at them after about 30 seconds. doesnt bug me enough to find out why. i dont have them set for a waypoint no. just wander all my tents are at gas stations. i just like how well they blend in while still being in a known location without added marker clutter on my map.
  2. do you have ryans zombies? i can put my mission sqm in here. i only ask cause my mission has its spawners and modules in it.
  3. if you look at the pictures it shows where you put that. there is a huge blank square when clicking on a placed object in the a3 editor
  4. I don't believe so. When I edit the mission I belive they were friends to blufor. Which ai are you trying to get them to engage?
  5. i use windows key for select all units. or some of the num pads work too.
  6. First of all, i know there are posts about controlling or having ai teammates in exile but it seemed all the info was spread out so it was kind of a scavenger hunt to find out how to get it working in my server. ( note: my server is local-host so i don't use filters. nor do i know how sorry!) The recruiting mod used is Bons infantry recruitment redux: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/170733-bons-infantry-recruitment-redux/ . just follow its instructions. there is nothing complicated, it is literally 3 steps of copy/past into certain places. (serverside)To use this mod you have to place objects in the arma 3 map if you don't know how here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYhtlHfv_kg For me, i placed tents at every gas station so its easy to find yet doesn't look out of place. But whatever you use place this in the objects initialization field. (same line from bons mod page)this addAction["<t color='#ff9900'>Recruit Infantry</t>", "bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf"]; Then just save your mission and should be good to go. ( to controll ai you will have to remap your command keys to something other than the number keys.) if im wrong about anything let me know. im just trying to consolidate info so noobies like me dont have to scavenge for info. google didnt help me haha.
  7. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    i believe setting it to -10000 would make them attack each other wouldnt it? edit: when commanding the units they have the option to heal the zombies, is that give any hint to what is going on? im about to put in your stuff to see how that goes ~~~~~~ the setfriends in the init didnt work //Find player's subfaction _subfaction = [getText(_CfgVehicles >> _classname >> "vehicleClass")]; does this mean whatever units i recruit get same factions rules as me?
  8. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    if civilian clothing is the problem I can make it spawn military only no problem but if i remember zombies are sided to the east by default so i dunno. But I don't think that was it. I'll check if both types of zombies are ignored which I'm sure of, so what would you do with that? I know of zombad but I want them friendly to each other. A recruitable dog would be awesome too. I'll try all you're ideas tommorow afternoon
  9. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    i was able to place tents at every gas station and used it as recruiters. works fine except they dont retaliate against zombies eating them
  10. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    sweet i got it working. i applied it to a tent instead and placed them at all gas stations. i can recruit almost all ai even from the exile addon. now the issue is getting them to attack zombies. the zombies immediately target them but they just ignore the damage and get killed by zombies, should be an easy fix right? though i dont know how
  11. I looked through the mission, I don't see any #include. The closest thing I see is a #define _arma_
  12. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    Okay appreciate it. I'll test all this this weekend once I'm off work. I'll get back to you for sure
  13. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    Where are the instructions for the flag? I seen the object init field. But other than that all I've seen were description and init.sqf editing even in the readme. Just init and description (I have no idea why it sent the same message 6 times)
  14. xmg559

    porting a recruit ai mod?

    So once It's put in according to instructions I should have a menu or interface to recruit any ai in exile?