I have the following entry in my exile_server_config/config.cpp: useRestartMessages = 1; restartWarrningTime[] = {180,175,120,60,30,15,10,5,3,2,1}; //is there supposed to be two (2) R's in "Warrning"? restartTimer[] = {3, 0}; but at no point do I see any messages. I deliberately put the 175 minute announcement in so that I could see the message at 10mins of the server running. Is there a place where I can make my own custom language for the server announcements to support the restartWarrningTime[] = {180,170,120,60,30,15,10,5,3,2,1}; call? Because of the instability of BEC I have chosen to try and use the EXILE equivalent found in confif.cpp. What am I missing? Any help is appreciated