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  1. w4rgo

    Zombiespain Exile Mod Taviana

    Zombiespain Exile Mod Taviana I am glad to present the work of 6 months of scripting, our flagship Zombiespain Exile Mod. The aim of our heavily modified server is to revive what we felt playing DayZ with base building in our old Arma 2 servers with Downstream Mod. We have a highly experienced staff in Arma scripting, and we are introducing new exclusive features periodically. To Join you need to download our launcher at http://www.zombiespain.com Unique features: Perimetral base building, with assault system using bomb trucks (50+ objects to build at different levels). Player class system (Engineer,Mechanic,Scout,Medic...) Each one with different levels and abilities. Clan system integrated with Exile parties and base building. Lockpick system. Persistent vehicles (Dayz like). They are placed by hand in logical places, not random spawns. You don't buy the vehicles in a trader, you find them in the wild and keep them. No vehicle locking, you have to protect your vehicles in your base. No traders, you have to find your stuff looting , raiding and fighting for missions. Trash trader available for reputation (Reputation is used for class system and bases) Lots of tweaks. Less unique features: Taviana map. ZCP Capture points. DMS dynamic missions. Class system Here are some videos about the class system. SCOUT CLASS: VIDEO SABOTEUR CLASS : VIDEO MECHANIC: BASIC USAGE VIDEO UPGRADE VEHICLE ENGINEER: The engineer is able to build different objects at different levels:
  2. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    Check your scritps.txt file and check line 19 to see if its addAction. then add the following filter !="lock_pick_action = player addAction ["Lockpick", "addons\w4_lockpick\functions\useLockpick.sqf"""
  3. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    Hi, I will try to come up with the full BEfilters when I got some time. Preety busy at work right now.
  4. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    You have to disable custom markers on infistar config
  5. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    forgot to add the CfgRemoteExec step, this is the proper one class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=1; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpicked { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpick_attempt { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpick_failed { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_create_marker_client { allowedTargets = 1; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; };
  6. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    What I dont like about thermal scanner is that once you know the password of a territory, you will know it forever and that base is compromised. In my server I have the thermal scanner disabled.
  7. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    sticky? What do you mean
  8. w4rgo

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    What do you mean by luck ? Its already based on chances. I can add those suggestions and also, Pull requests are welcome
  9. Lockpick system for Exile mod Motivation Currently Exile bases, safes and cars are imposible to raid propertly. With this addon I wanted to bring to Exile Mod the posibility of raiding. Features Configurable object to act as a lockpick, by default is using MineDetector (if you have a mine detector in the inventory you will see a wheel menu when looking to a door , safe or car)Lockpick can open a door.Lockpick can open a safe.Lockpick can open a car.Configurable probabilities for doors, safes and cars independently.Configurable lockpick time for doors, safes and cars independently.When used in a safe or door , a notification will be sent to the building authorized members of the territory, and a mark will appear on their map during 5 minutes.When used in a car, a notification will be sent to all the server and the initial location of the car will be shown for 5 minutes.Lockpick usages will be saved to a database table for admin tracking of its usage. (more uses in the future).Planed Features New trader that will show the name of the people that raided you for an ammount of money.Email sent to the players that are under attack.How to install Step 1 - Mission addon Unpack your mission.pbo.Copy the addons folder from "1 - MISSION" and paste it inside your mission folderCopy the content of the init.sqf next to the addons folder and paste it in your init.sqf, if you dont have a init.sqf then paste this one in your mission.OPTIONAL - Configure the lockpick usage in addons/w4_lockpick/initLockpick.sqfStep 2 - Server addon Open the folder "2 - SERVER"Pack the folder w4_lockpick into a pbo and paste it inside your @ExileServer/addons folder.Step 3 - CfgRemoteExec Locate your Class CfgRemoteExec (By default in the description.ext in your mission pbo)Modify it with the following: class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=1; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpicked { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpick_attempt { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_lockpick_failed { allowedTargets = 2; }; class w4_lockpick_fnc_create_marker_client { allowedTargets = 1; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; };Step 4 - Database table Add the following to the bottom of your @ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini [saveLockpickUsage] SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO lockpick SET uid = ?, object_owner = ?, territory_id = ?, position_x = ?, position_y = ? , position_z = ?, object = ?, type = ? , object_type = ? ,datetime = NOW() Number Of Inputs = 9 SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Return InsertID = true 2. Create the following schema on your exile database. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lockpick`; CREATE TABLE `lockpick` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `object_owner` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `territory_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `position_x` double NOT NULL, `position_y` double NOT NULL, `position_z` double NOT NULL, `object` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `object_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `datetime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=198 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;Source: https://github.com/w4rgo/w4_lockpick
  10. w4rgo

    Apoco nadie habla español?

    Buenas, Soy de la comunidad Zombiespain. Disponemos de un servidor totalmente modificado , zombies , misiones, capture points, lockpick, IA, zonas custom , loot custom etc ( varios mods exclusivos como lockpick ). Cada dia actualizamos el servidor, estamos trabajando continuamente en el. Somos veteranos en esto de los servidores y tenemos amplios conocimientos tecnicos y de programacion sqf. Ahora mismo tenemos un servidor en el mapa Panthera, con una media de 30 - 40 personas, a veces mas. 0 Lag , altos fps y un rendimiento de servidor estupendo (45 - 50 server fps y cps). Cabe comentar, que disponemos de herramientas creadas por nosotros para migrar exile a otros mapas. (Las posiciones de loot de los edificios de todo el mapa generadas con un simple click) y nuestros archivos ya contienen las posiciones de loot para todos los mapas de arma 3 y 2. Con lo cual en un futuro podremos abrir servidores en otro mapa sin casi esfuerzo. El hilo del servidor es este: Servidor Panthera Zombiespain Os invito a todos a formar parte de la comunidad Zombiespain.