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About khafir

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  1. khafir

    Zombie Bodies as objects

    Haven't been to exilemod in months and this was the first post I read. Fail.
  2. khafir

    Extended Base Mod

    I miss-spoke earlier. After further testing you were correct about the clients having to have the mod. The '-download' option did not function as had been reported to me.
  3. Greetings everybody! I've been thinking about this for a while. Any ideas on a feature where we could make locker storage leveled to respect of the player? This would work where locker capacity would be bracketed or leveled by respect achievement. Any thoughts on how to do this? Thanks.
  4. khafir

    Extended Base Mod

    I use the -download option, .pbo the @mod folder and put it in the @Exileserver/addons folder.. clients don't have to have it locally, they pull it down from the server. Tested this out this morning.
  5. khafir

    Extended Base Mod

    I think I may want to change the storage capacity of some of the containers. What do I need to unpack/modify?
  6. khafir

    Extended Base Mod

    Any way to modify the storage capacity of items the mod introduces?
  7. khafir

    Best linux option for Arma 3 / Exile Server

    I'm a huge fan of Linux personally, and until most recently I ran CentOS-7 for my Exile server. I made the change to Win Server 2012 R2 primarily for ease of sharing adminship. In my community Linux knowledge is a rarity, especially to the degree of competency I would require of any potential admins. I haven't seen much of a performance difference as of yet between the environments but I will say that solutions for the Windows environment are already fully cooked, most of the time.
  8. Agreed. This is running just fine on my server. What I find so funny is that in the end these issues boil down to some server admin not knowing what they're doing. I don't mean that to be an insult to ignorance, but when the mod works for hundreds if not thousands of servers but not on yours (a generalized 'yours') the problem probably lies with you. FFS, everyone is always in a rush to say a mod is broken or incompatible. How about start with a fresh install, database wipe, don't load the hundreds of add-ons and mods you were previously, and then post links to whatever guide(s) you followed if any for setup before complaining that something is broken. Someone better stop by a trader, we've got lots of injured and need a wha-ambulance here stat.
  9. Update complete and functional. Update published to Git.
  10. I know there are issues with the new update, I'm working on a fix atm.
  11. Thank you, i'm still learning where posts should go.
  12. Enter... [magda] I got tired of comparing new suggested Battleye (BE) filters and the existing ones I had every time an update released, so I wrote a script to do it. This script will provide you with a comparison table detailing how many filters for each keyword are present in the new file and how many are missing as compared to the new filter file, and it also has the power to add them automatically for you. Designed in and for CentOS-7 for command-line usage. Before using this script... BACKUP YOUR FILTERS! BACKUP YOUR FILTERS! BACKUP YOUR FILTERS! Download it here on the Git: If you have issues or problems with the script that you'd like assistance with or questions you'd like answers to, please construct your inquiry with a respectable amount of information. The more information you provide me with the better I may be able to assist you. If you have large amounts of info to contribute with your question use <spoiler> tags.
  13. Tool is finished, I will start a new thread here within the next few days.
  14. @Tobias Solem here's a screenie of the new tool. Very early stage right now but here's proof of concept. In this capture the tool (Magda) is running an analysis of the new BE filter file (infiStar's scripts.txt) and displaying the headers with entry and match counts for each line in comparison to the existing filter.
  15. I think I could do that, another thing I'll have to get around is that some users use the !xx as opposed to the != format. I believe I'll work in some logic to do a change of format to != styling.