Walter Dimmer

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Everything posted by Walter Dimmer

  1. Walter Dimmer

    Algún argentino o compa sudamericano?

    Que tal gente, simplemente quería saber si alguien acá es de Argentina u otro país sudamericano y que quiera jugar conmigo
  2. Walter Dimmer

    Algún argentino o compa sudamericano?

    ahi te agrego
  3. Walter Dimmer

    Looking for people to play with!

    Hey there!, I'm a bamby, new to the game just 24 hs in arma 3 yet I'm looking for people who wanna play some exile with zombies!, if anyone's interested just send an MP or answer the post! Cheers
  4. Walter Dimmer

    Looking for people to start a group with

    would love to join you!