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About AimRabbit

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  1. AimRabbit

    Statusbar Script?

    Hey maybe someone could help me. i want to display the uid, player name and real date+time (not the ingame time! i want the server engine time). how can i do this at the easiest way?
  2. Thats not true... you need the sensors for more than only the savezone.. the ai systems get them to stay away.
  3. AimRabbit

    Locked Vehicle God mode?

    Try my reworked code from disto for Exile: // Locked Vehicles NO DAMAGE! if (isNil "ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onDamaged") then {ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onDamaged = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onDamaged.sqf";}; vehicle_handleDamage = { private["_obj","_result"]; _obj = _this select 0; //if ((count(nearestObjects [_obj, ["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"],150]) > 0) && (locked _obj && (count (crew _obj)) == 0)) exitWith {_obj allowDamage false;}; if (locked _obj && (count (crew _obj)) == 0) exitWith {_obj allowDamage false;}; _obj allowDamage true; _result = _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onDamaged; _result }; But its untested... So don't know if it works!
  4. AimRabbit

    hourly server broadcast messages

    Request your restart.bat over the taskmanager there you can add task which will execute
  5. AimRabbit

    need help tricky filter

    add !"FncSupplyCargo1" to the line 7 addbackpack and it should work
  6. AimRabbit

    ok i need help with battle eye filters ("script restriction #58")

    Add in the line 7 execVM this: !="[] execVM \"addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf\";" !="[] execVM \"addons\welcome\welcome.sqf\";"Have fun !
  7. AimRabbit

    SetPos Restriction #1

    if this dont work you can to fix the problem temporaly by setting 7 to 1... but this should the last escape
  8. AimRabbit


    because if you don't do a backslash infront of it, it will close the syntax. if you make a backslash its only a letter and not closing the syntax.
  9. AimRabbit

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Thats's my setpos.txt and i have no problems //new 7 "" !"Exile_" 7 "Exile_Unit_Player"i hope i could help you
  10. AimRabbit


    There is a misstake in yours Pvt.Dancer. That's correct !="\"t) then {\nif (halvStyle) then {\n\"Gr8s_kill_msg\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {\n_id = (_this select 1);\n_killerName = _id selec\""
  11. AimRabbit


    7 execVM !="_dummy = ['Init', _params] execVM '\A3\ui_f\scripts\pauseLoadinit.sqf';" !="all bis_fnc_progressloadingscreen;\n\n\nif (isserver) then {\n[] execvm \"initServer.sqf\";\n\"initServer.sqf\" call bis_fnc_logFormat;\n}" !="ript != \"\") then\n{\nprivate [\"_handle\"];\n_handle = [_display] execVM _script;\n} else {\n_scripts = getArray(missionConfigFile >> \"" !="BIS_fnc_execVM" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="[\"exile_client\trashBin\fn_execVM.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"MP\",\"execVM\"]" !="_sxr = _this execvm \"\GNT_C185\scr\C185Init.sqf\";" !="[_this select 0] execvm \"\GNT_C185\scr\G_CheckEngine.sqf\"" !="([this, 1] execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\")" !="[(_this select 0)] execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\Ind\PowerLines\Scripts\column_ruins.sqf\"" !="e 0x52: {\n if(ALLOW_ME_THIS_KEYBIND)then\n {\n [] execVM '\infiSTAR_work_on_AH\TEST.sqf';\n };\n };\n case 83:" !="([this, 0] execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\")" !="[] execVM \"custom\KillMessages.sqf\";" !="[] execVM \"addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf\";" You forgot a space between the added code
  12. AimRabbit


    add at the end of the line which begins with 7 execVM !="[] execVM \"custom\KillMessages.sqf\";" !="[] execVM \"addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf\";"
  13. AimRabbit

    Restriction #25

    Please post the Error from log with expression otherwise we couldn't help.
  14. AimRabbit

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Hey add this: !"Exile_Unit_Player" in the second line (line which are out commented will not count! ex. all lines with // at the beginning)
  15. AimRabbit

    2 BE kicks

    Try this. First: !"\"ect 3);\n_wallet = ExileClientPlayerMoney;\n_stamina = ExileClientPlayerScore;\n_energy = 100;\n_energyPercent = 100;\n_serverFPS = r\""Second: !"\"ons\restart.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19</t>\",\n\n\"%\", \ncount playableUnits,\n_damage,\n_wallet, \n_hunger, \n_thirst, \n_serverFPS, \n_ene\""