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About voniitos

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  • Birthday September 30

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  1. voniitos

    Safezone campers

    I was flying with my heli just right outside the safezone and got shotdown. It was fully loaded with weapons and stuff that i collected ower a long time. This has happened many times. Who do i speak to to complain about this?
  2. voniitos

    Kill zone!

    Killcam would be cool just to see how some people kill from sick distances e.t.c. I'm new to exile so i still have much to discover. What other mods are good ? I got arma3 for my birthday last month so still learning I play @ http://uk111.uk/
  3. voniitos

    Kill zone!

    Admins should add an "circular" zone around the shooter for a few seconds so the shooter are forced to move after he has shot someone. that could prevent camping. ex. bases and such!