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About maddingamer

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  1. maddingamer

    [WIP] Exile Taunus Project

    @[RG] Salutesh check your inbox
  2. maddingamer

    A3 Editor Mission.sqm to sqf

    Wie ^oo^ (? :D) schon verlinkt hat; Lade dir das Exile 3DEN Plugin runter (Lad es am besten als eigene mod) Dann lade die sqm. Du siehst nun oben einen Punkt "Exile" dort kannst du die Trader und/oder alle Objekte exportieren und einfach in die jeweiligen Configs reinkopieren (Als eigene mod oder danach wieder raus nehmen aus dem exile ordner, da alle server die exile_3den.pbo (noch) nicht kennen und dich automatisch bannen ^^)
  3. maddingamer

    Blackfish cant load Vehicles

    I get a BattlEye kick when I try do load something into the v-44.. In the log it says the vehicle names.. Do I need to make an exeption for each vehicle with each version of the v-44??
  4. maddingamer

    vehicles disappear

    After logging out and back in, the vehicle right next to me is gone. It is in the database tho, with inventory, pin and everything. Also some new vehicles do not spawn after purchase. Any ideas?
  5. maddingamer

    Building is disallllowed on this server

    Maybe it's inside a non-build-zone? Load up the mission.sqm in the editor and see the markers.
  6. maddingamer

    Stuck at loading map

    I will look into that later on, first some sleep ^^
  7. maddingamer

    Some vehicles do not spawn

    Some vehicles don't spawn after purchase. For example golf,ikarus,hmmwv.. Some others like tracor or uaz are spawning. Any ideas? Nearly everything vanilla. Maybe database issue?
  8. maddingamer

    Stuck at loading map

    I had a similar problem today. I compared the default config with mine so I was able to see that I accidently deleted a quotationmark. Maybe you could compare your's with the default one aswell to make sure you just edited the values and not the stuff around it
  9. maddingamer

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    I am in, so now it is
  10. maddingamer

    New vehicle prices

    Sure, but the Taru costs 17k (which takes not that long to get) and if you got the taru you can sell every vehicle you find and 2 hours later you have that 50k for the huron e.g.
  11. maddingamer

    New vehicle prices

    yea after a bit thinking about it, the prices seems ok, but the difference between e.g. a safe (10k) and a quadbike (7k) is huge ^^ even if u can change the prices..
  12. maddingamer

    New vehicle prices

    As announced in the WIP changelog, the vehicle storage and price will change. but 7k for a quadbike, 54k for HEMTT or 16k for offroad seems a bit too expensive for me. Or will other prices change too? Or is it not the "final" price? Source: And is there an ETA yet for this patch? Wipe required?