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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Dutch

    HALO Jump

  2. Dutch

    You released wipe Info too soon

    I'm quite glad someone finally said it. I haven't seen a single exile server that was busy since people heard about the wipe. Me and a couple mates started running our own server and it was finally growing in player base. Then the announcement get's put out and no players joining anymore. I'm guessing the good thing about this all will be the server will have more people. Because players have nothing to return to. Good luck for the other server owners.
  3. Dutch

    Ryans Zombies Broken?

  4. Dutch


    My thoughts on this matter. The person handcuffed should be able to walk,crouch walk and crawl. The Special item could could be something like a paperclip or just a key. If the player is handcuffed all other players are able to access the handcuffed players gear.
  5. Dutch

