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About JDubb18T

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  • Birthday 08/03/1980

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  1. JDubb18T

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    How did you get it to work? Went over the install directions and I still get a black screen?
  2. JDubb18T


    Enjoy a Custom Tanoa Exile experience. All custom objects, made into 4 factions with 10 custom traders, AFRF, GREF, USAF and Neutral; split Tanoa into 4 regions of control. Build your bases wisely, connect with your faction or fight for control of it. Easy going admins, provide proof and it shall be granted. We have a designated spot on Teamspeak come on in and connect with the 82nd Mil Sim guys. If you're interested talk to the recuiters. They run ops daily, this exile server is public with the intention of keeping it public. Building a player base is where we stand, invite your friends!
  3. JDubb18T

    [Release] Al Rayak Exile 1.02

    @Osoben Did you winmerge the file or just copy and replace?
  4. JDubb18T

    [Release] Al Rayak Exile 1.02

    Vendors/Traders are called from the initPlayerLocal.sqf file in the mission folder. Check to make sure you copied mine over.
  5. JDubb18T

    [Release] Al Rayak Exile 1.02

    It's G.O.S. Al Rayak found on armaholic.com actual file name is pja310
  6. JDubb18T

    [Release] Al Rayak Exile 1.02

    Second release, learning as I go. This is a working version of Al Rayak Exile; modify or keep the same. https://github.com/JDubb17WRX/Al-Rayak-Exile Completely custom designed Traders/Spawn Points/DMS Missions/Nuclear Fallout Island and MORE!!! Working addons and scripts: -DMS ~ Missions including Custom Fallout Island and Fallout Island Bridge Missions -Occupation ~ Town Occupation/Missions -VEMF ~ Additional mission system -Enigma Revive ~ Revive with Defib, configured into trader -ExileZ ~ Zombies with fixed loot and death -Extended Base ~ Additional Buildings -Advanced Towing/SlingLoading/Rappelling/UrbanRappelling ~ Self Expl. Depends on mods -ExAd XM8 Apps ~ Virtual Garage -IgiLoad ~ Towing System -RHS Vehicles/Weapons/Units ~ Depends on mods Finally, There is enough support with each and everyone of the components of this so I will not be offering individual support on the addons or scripts. However I'm here to offer advice or lessons learned. -JDubb
  7. JDubb18T

    [Release] Chernarus Summer Exile 1.02

    First release, learning as I go. This is a working version of Chernarus Summer; modify or keep the same. https://github.com/JDubb17WRX/ChernarusExile Working addons and scripts: -DMS ~ Missions -Occupation ~ Town Occupation/Missions -ZCP ~ Capture Point Missions -Enigma Revive ~ Revive with Defib, configured into trader -ExileZ ~ Zombies with fixed loot and death -Extended Base ~ Additional Buildings -Advanced Towing/SlingLoading/Rappelling/UrbanRappelling ~ Self Expl. Depends on mods -Cup Weapons/Vehicles/Units ~ Requires Cup Mods Finally, There is enough support with each and everyone of the components of this so I will not be offering individual support on the addons or scripts. However I'm here to offer advice or lessons learned. -JDubb
  8. JDubb18T

    82nd Airborne Chernarus Exile

    82nd Airborne 2-508th PIR | Chernarus Exile PVP/PVE 82nd Arma 3 Realism unit's Exile server, featuring Extended Base Mod, Zombies & Demons, ZCP, DMS, and Occupation. Always something to do, always new friends to meet. Strong player base, Hop on TS and say hi! Mods - Zombies - Deamons : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277&searchtext=zombies Extended Base Mod : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=647753401&searchtext=Extended+base Exile - http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ Cup Core - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184 Cup Maps - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583544987
  9. JDubb18T

    Chernarus Exile PVP/PVE

    The best of old school Chernarus with Extended Base Mod and plenty of missions and bandits, just looking for the PVP portion. That's you! Super laid back admins, just ask for Taco or Alex.
  10. Yes still need help, I messaged you, how do you want to remote in? FTP or CP?
  11. Alright @S. and @Hell Raiser I'm having issues again, since the update i've been staring at a Loading Map screen of my server. I've checked the RPT and have a few errors google search doesn't come through on. But other than that, there are no mission file errors and i've updated to @S. 4.0 Mission File: RPT:
  12. JDubb18T

    ACiDy Tanoa Bridges

    Awesome SOOOOO helpful..... No you shouldn't......
  13. JDubb18T

    ACiDy Tanoa Bridges

    My west bridge is not spawning in, no errors in rpt. I looked at both of the acd_TB_SOUTH/WEST_BRIDGE_props.sqf and they are written differently from lines 10-26 on both files. Since my south bridge is spawning, should I just rewrite the west to match the nomenclature on the south? SOUTH CODE lines 7-26: /*####################################################################################################################################### SOUTH BRIDGE #######################################################################################################################################*/ [ [ [7174.78,4243.17], [8782.47,4000.69] ], 4, ["ColorWhite", 1] ] call GKB_fnc_drawToMap; [ [7725.77,4198.82], [-8, 1.8], ["south bridge", "ColorBlack", 0.9] ] call GKB_fnc_writeToMap; /*#####################################################################################################################################*/ private ["_objs"]; _objs = [ WEST CODE Lines 7-26 /*####################################################################################################################################### WEST BRIDGE #######################################################################################################################################*/ [ [3300,7890], [30, 1.8], ["west bridge", "ColorBlack", 0.9] ] call GKB_fnc_writeToMap; [ [ [2575.28,7404.78], [2599.11,7440.42], [4217.26,8379.46] ], 4, ["ColorWhite", 1] ] call GKB_fnc_drawToMap; /*#####################################################################################################################################*/ _objs = [
  14. File not found... NOOOOOOOOO
  15. So I should enter that in the rest of the traders? Because they are listed as Type="Empty"