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Everything posted by Sqweeg

  1. Hello all, I see that on the new changelog : Attaching bombs to constructions works now tooCan we say that bases can be destroyed now ? I'm thinking to explosives with 60.000hp damages, will it destroy wood bases or not ? Thanks for answer, thanks to the dev's for their job, Have all a nice day.
  2. Hello guys, Playing on the same server since the Namalsk/Pomelo update released, but we got disappointed. Indeed, after having fixed a "bug" with loot spawning (loot was rare, it was so good), now, on the server, we can find 2-3 weapons by buildings, and seriously, it sucks. (In my opinion) Then, I think I'm in the right place, to ask someone if you know an european Namalsk server survival. Zombies or not, no problem, but we are searching for a server with rare loot, weather changes, AI missions. A survival server. Thanks for your answer, have a nice night.
  3. Sqweeg

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    I'll be glad to ear much about it so.
  4. Sqweeg

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    That would be a good idea mate, but I don't really have time to work on a server, and no money for renting it. That's why I'm searching for a survival one without running my own. I can wait for survival servers release, that's not a problem.
  5. Sqweeg

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    I found your server on the server showcas, unfortunately, on americans servers, we are around 180-200 ping, and it's not funny to play. We are from south-east of France, and russian's servers are the limit. We would have joined you withe pleasure buddy, but we can't.
  6. Sqweeg

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    I did, but the only one server I've found, and that we are searching for with rare loot is in... Australia. Like 30 players, weather changes, no safezones, rare loot.
  7. Sqweeg

    Please bring back Designated spawns

    Of course. And then everyone is spawnkilling, very good idea.
  8. Sqweeg


    Oh ok, thanks. Do you think the server will be updated ?
  9. Sqweeg


    Sorry, but I don't understand. The server version is 1.54, eden is 1.56.
  10. Sqweeg


    The namalsk test server is impossible to join, wrong version it says.
  11. Sqweeg

    Namalsk from 3 hours of gameplay

    Being able to buy a gas mask is not a good idea I think. Even this : " Wetness will only reduce your clothing warming by 50% max. and not by 100% anymore" The game should stay hard as he is. Don't listen to the people who cry all the time please. Thanks for your job. PS: I think that now, after the stress test, 2 servers with 50 players would be better, because with 100 people, too much spawnkilling.
  12. Sqweeg

    Too Hard..?

    Playing dayz standalone since the begin of 2014, and he's still not interesting. It sounds empty. That Exile update is making the game harder, it becomes a real survival, and that's what a lot of players are searching. (My friends and I are a part of it) Can't wait for the release. Namalsk with 30-40 players, temperature, radiations, dynamic weather and AI missions, will be the best map, for one of the best (or the best ?) survival mods. Loot is rarest, and that's right. There will be servers in order to PVP, and there will be servers with survival parts as I said. And can't wait for it. I hate easy games, I love difficulty. But that's my opinion.
  13. Sqweeg

    Namalsk from 3 hours of gameplay

    I agree with you according to the sounds. Those gaz volga sounds in the background are strange, still thinking there is someone. The temperature system seems to be working for us, our temperature went down when raining a lot all the time. (5 minutes ago) I ain't really agree with your argument, according to parachute spawns. And I gonna explain why. On a 100 players server, without a parachute system, you won't get out of the spawn area. Thanks to this system, my friend who got killed spawned in north-west area, opened his parachute immediatly, and flown far away thanks to it. He landed 800m from me ! So I think that parachute system when there are 100 players, must be used. I see that a lot of people is staying in area spawns. Seriously, why ? We are here to test ! The rest of the maps (excepting some military areas) are often empty. With 100 players, we meet 2 guys near the center map, and 3 guys near sebjan warehouse. And that's all. According to the map, she's just beautiful. The weather is great, the ambient is good too, a little bit dark when raining, you can feel the cold thing. Thanks devs for it. With the temperature system, on a 40 players server, it will be a perfect survival. (I think I didn't make any mistake, apologize if I did, english ain't my first language)
  14. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Temperature bug.

    Hi guys, There is a big problem with temperature. When logging back onto the server, it seems like our temperature is on 0, and the character is dying. I suppose it's temperature, a guy on the server told us. My friend logged back to the server, and his health was lower every seconds. Cheers from France, and thanks for the job.
  15. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Kicked off the server

    When placing Exile 0.9.6RC.zip and namalsk test version.zip in steamapps/common/arma 3, and when clicking on "extract here", winrar will give you the option of "replacing all" for the .pbo. Click it, and chose the @exile and @namalsk on the Arma 3 launcher. (via steam) It should work properly. It works for me.
  16. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Body Temperature

    Can we expect a fix or not ? Thanks for your answer.
  17. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Kicked off the server

    While extracting in the directory, did you check "replace for all" (olb_bikes.pbo ....) ? That's what I did and it works.
  18. Sqweeg


    He's in France, that's why my ping is so good. Thanks. Will play it more after work.
  19. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Body Temperature

    Happened to my friend too. He died because of low temperature when logging back.
  20. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Temperature bug.

    Thanks, I was not able to see the topic ?! That's why I've made this one.
  21. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Litterally Unplayable

    That's what I thought. Namalsk is smallest than a map like Esseker, so I think that staying alone must be impossible. Hope to be able to test it for real. This is a 2 weeks test, so we should do it properly. Hope that it won't kick me, cuz' for some people it's happening. I will extract exile and namalsk test in Arma 3 directory and we will see.
  22. Sqweeg

    [SOLVED] Litterally Unplayable

    I will play today lately. Just a question, is it unplayable because of 100 players ? Because 100 players on Namalsk, I can't imagine it.
  23. Sqweeg

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    19 pages of people... I hope there will be more than one server. If there is only one, we won't be able to test it, he wil be full all the time.
  24. Sqweeg

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    14 pages of answers. I hope that there will be more than one server, because if not, we won't play it.
  25. Sqweeg

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    I'm in with you guys, I will try it ! Can't wait. #ImSoExiled