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About Slangfil

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  1. Slangfil


    No, it is not epoch, notice that when I pressed download on EXILE. Convicts dropped on an island where access to heavy weapons and armored vehicles is childsplay, but trees are a rough enemy. I like your counter progressive thinking though. Keep it up.
  2. Slangfil


    Now, I don't have the slightest idea if this is possible. But if it is, we NEED a chainsaw. Pros: Cutting those damn trees goes alot faster Cons: High noise, needs gasoline Could double as a wicked melee weapon aswell for that matter.
  3. Slangfil

    Upgrading vehicles!

    Since the mod is finally going in the direction where you really want to take care of your vehicles. I would love to see upgrades for the vehicles. For example: I have an offroader. By using metal junk/boards/poles I can add armor to the car. I'm thinking mad max modding, but not as radical. This clip shows the basic idea atleast.