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Everything posted by RalFingerLP

  1. RalFingerLP

    Concrete Constructions - Part 3

    Great news!
  2. RalFingerLP

    The game economy needs more entropic forces

    From my point of view, this is a very drastic way to handle your economy. I wouldn´t go so far for my public server. I still want players to enjoy EXILE even if they only hang out a couple of hours a week. But for the topic, we reduced the base maintainance time to 7 days so this is going pretty good for us. We do have a lot of PVP for people who are not into base building and a good amount of big clan´s having huge bases. Right now i feel good about the system, I wouldn´t change anything right now.
  3. RalFingerLP

    Battleye Filter Tool

    This is awesome, this should be sticky instead of the "how to make your own battleeye filters thread". Great job!
  4. RalFingerLP

    Neue A3XAI Version

    Ok, das ist natürlich ätzend
  5. RalFingerLP

    Neue A3XAI Version

    Ist es denn so, dass die AI durch Exile Wände geht?
  6. RalFingerLP

    Bug collection for RC 0.9.4

    Please post your bugs in this topic, so the forum won´t get a mess over time Found bugs: - Magazines are vanishing when equiped in the weapon when you reconnect to the server - Car "Voiha" has no inventory - when dead you get removed out of the group (as group owner) happend to me once - Picture attached happend at 07.12.2015 - 22:12 o´clock EST
  7. RalFingerLP


    Es wären gut wenn du einfach deinen Code hier mal eintragen würdest. "Meine Zeit" hab ich so noch nirgends gelesen, auf deiner Armbanduhr?
  8. RalFingerLP

    [SOLVED] Bauteilbegrenzung Scherz oder wie?

    Ich war schon hier als der Fred nur 4 Einträge hatte und nachdem schon so viel geschrieben wurde kann ich nur sagen, HAHAHA
  9. RalFingerLP

    [SOLVED] Exile Mod Server Installieren | Teamsuche

    Also das ist extrem unseriös was Ihr da schreibt: Aus reinem Interesse, was ist denn eine "hohe Summe"?
  10. RalFingerLP


    Was haltet Ihr von einer Sammlung von PlayerID´s die auf eurem Server Hacks oder Scripts nutzen? Mir erst heute unter gekommen. Ich rede jetzt nicht von Spielern die sich in eine Base glitchen wollen
  11. RalFingerLP

    xm8 status bar

    This happens only on the first start when you open the XM8. Could you please help me? Edit: Found the fix, thanks to @Eichi for your help! Line must be changed to: _8GImage = format ["\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_signal_%1_ca.paa", (round (random 4)) + 1];
  12. RalFingerLP

    Xcam Script.sqf Activated on server ?

    If you want to have xcam objects on your server, your server and the client needs @xcam enabled.
  13. RalFingerLP

    Bug collection for RC 0.9.4

    Please stick to the topic, this is no discussion thread. Only post bugs! If you need some help, try the teamspeak or open your own topic. Thank you!
  14. RalFingerLP

    Script restriction #52

    Only admins get kicked with this restriction, anyone able to help fix it and explain to me whats going on? 30.11.2015 16:01:27: Admin (ip:port) guidhere - #52 "_KEY]; passwordAdmin = "thisisapassword"; 'heartbeat' addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; ADMINLEVELACCESS = compile ' _puid = get" Help is appreciated
  15. RalFingerLP


    Chris, if your only posting the "do it yourself" link all the time, just shut down this forum. This is pathetic!
  16. RalFingerLP

    Delete Vehicle restriction #0

    Same here, still having the issue
  17. RalFingerLP

    Plenty of objects on the Server

    Hello Forum, we are about to deal with a seriouse problem on our server. We grow bigger and bigger each day and we do get around 10 news flags each day and around 1300 new objects on the map each day. Right now we have around 14000 objects after close to 12 days of running our server. What would you guys do to increase such a lot objects on the map? Basebuilding is the main issue here. We still rund on around 5 fps serverside after 4 hours of gameplay with around 80-90 players. But i think there will be bigger isses in a few days if we don´t come up with a sollution to prevent so many objects. I would appreciate your feedback on solving this. Is there a way to make bases dissapread earlier? Would you increase the price of a flag? Make building a wall more expensive in material? Your feedback is appreciated! Some statics from our db: Construcions Territory Vehicles
  18. RalFingerLP

    Helicopters explode when bought

  19. RalFingerLP

    Delete Vehicle restriction #0

    Did this work?
  20. RalFingerLP


    This is also where we roll and its fantastic!
  21. RalFingerLP

    Buy Choper problem ?

    Set line 36 in EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.sqf to "false" /* Anti Teleport */ _UAT = false;
  22. RalFingerLP

    [WIP] port for Exile

    He just tried to be funny
  23. RalFingerLP

    Spawning Vehicles with Infistar

    About the random code, where is the random code shown? Sorry, found it
  24. RalFingerLP

    Script Restriction #57 RscExileKeypadScanDialog

    I am learning about BE Filters, why did you add the \\ in "t"," Found the answer myself here: http://pastebin.com/9FBdjS1u
  25. RalFingerLP

    Disappearing Ammo

    Good morning, we have the same issue on our server. Several players reporting this issue during diffrent situations (me included)