[STG] Poh

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About [STG] Poh

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  1. [STG] Poh

    Any Uk clans looking for members?

    We are international, If that interests you any, Send me a friend request on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027470332/
  2. Welcome! Small Time Gaming is a community built on brotherhood. We don't mind your creed, all we want is you to try your hardest and excel at the games you play alongside us. Small Time Gaming originated from a small MMO. From there we branched into other games and have taken up a love for all things Arma. Having played through the Arma series since the first days of DayZ Alpha, we have a plethora of experience on the Arma platform! We really are like a close knit family., We laugh at each other, we joke with each other and we sometimes shout at each other but we have FUN and we want YOU to be a part of it ! We're a relaxed group (most of the time) and we're fun to play with, but we abide under a mixture of semi- strict rules, of which I'll explain later. Our main game is Arma 3 but we play all sorts of different games as well! Our focus is always competitive multiplayer and we like (and do) excel at everything we touch. The bottom line is we're looking to excel because that's how you have the most fun. This doesn't mean it has to be a stressful experience it just means you and I need to follow the same set guidelines to maintain a fun time. Want to know more? Our current active player count is around 50. We play in various sized groups with a loose hierarchy of leadership to keep the group goals manageable. What we are NOT is even more important: We are NOT a clan, and we don't expect you to obey like a dog, yet you're always going to be furthering STG's goals just like everyone else! What to expect? We're always looking to expand our community, we're trying to get some real firm roots in some sound gaming platforms that allow us to strategize our growth and bring more people to our side. This is why we're aiming to win every game we play, when playing you should expect to be using strategy and tactics on a loose basis. Our goals? To expand the community slowly, bringing in numerous quality players. To keep having fun, deepening our connection with all community members Making our group and it’s members proud of their abilities. To laugh, joke and have a brilliant time in the games we play See our members enjoy themselves and not feel isolated by playing with one group We want to be smart about gameplay. We don't want to start simulating military style leadership. It's not needed. You can expect to have your voice heard. We work as a group and decide everything by votes. We feel a Democratic take is the soundest strategy. This allows freedom of choice and means that we minimize mistakes happening. Please be aware that we will be constantly giving you advice. We expect you to ask a multitude of questions on everything to do with the new games you play so that we can teach you to be the best. Requirements / Rules? Speak English Must not ragequit or sour other members experience Follow the group dynamic and don’t deviate from whom you’re playing beside Must be 18 years of age or older and mature. Must have a minimum of 100+ hours on Arma 3 to ensure a decent amount of experience. Must be an active player. DO NOT whine about deaths. There's a close to zero-tolerance policy on this, we play it cool and we return the kills in spades. DO NOT tarnish STG with needless complaining. Let other clans/communities act like that. *If any of these requirements are not met, But have the ability to be achieved, add on steam.* How do I join? Add on steam. [STG] Poh: http://steamcommunit...61198027470332/ and [STG] Goober: https://steamcommunity.com/id/goober0608