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About POLM_GekkeGerrit

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  • Birthday 01/20/1988

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  1. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Base Respawn

    Nope, I cant find anything related to the spawning. Im at a total loss here
  2. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Can't construct extended base mod items

    Im having the same issue. Not sure what to do..
  3. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Base Respawn

    Hi there, excuse me if im asking something obvious here but Im very now to creating servers; When I select my base spawn, the buttons are greyed out. Ive set the time limit to 1 second and my flag more then the required level. What am i doing wrong?
  4. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Squad logo on new Exile vehicles

    Hello, Quick question, I noticed the new Exile vehicles (SUV, Lada, Ikarus etc) do not display the squad logo from our squad.xml. Are there plans to add this to the models? Thanks! -Edit: The Icarus DOES have the logo, was a bit too quick putting that in my examples
  5. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Squad xml help

    Well, no idea how, but somehow I fixed it. Sorry for wasting bytes, topic can be removed
  6. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Squad xml help

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if the Exile devs disabled the squad part of the squad xml. The reason I ask is because i've got a squad xml file on my server, which ingame does load my member attributes, but not the actual clan attributes like clan tag, name and image. I have followed various tutorials on this subject and googled a lot, only to find rather old topics or solutions that I've tried already but didn't work. Here is my squad.xml file: Anyone here with a working xml that could point me to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
  7. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Metal Hedgehog

    Ah thanks for clearing that up for me guys.
  8. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Metal Hedgehog

    Not implemented but they are buyable on our server. I'm confused now.
  9. On ours it does work, theres just no countdown showing anymore.
  10. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    Sry boss.
  11. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    "Its because those maps suck" is an opinion, not a fact.
  12. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Rocket Launchers

    And what file do we edit for that? Thanks
  13. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Include your Custom Objects/Buildings(m3editor) with server addon

    I just went over it a little again and i was thinking too difficult. Add the following line below the line "_object setPosATL (_x select 1);" _object setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);Enjoy!
  14. POLM_GekkeGerrit

    Include your Custom Objects/Buildings(m3editor) with server addon

    No, all objects "forget" their banking values and load horizontal on the server. By editing the Z axis the barriers would only go up or down but still be horizontal. I believe the line "[-0.210571,-0.977578,0]" from your example should be the bank/pitch values, which arent being passed on by your script I tried editing your script to use _x = 3, though I must have made a mistake because now no objects are loaded at all.. But I hope you can do something with this: /* File: fn_custom1.sqf Author: Warsheep(GER) // warsheep.de Notes: include ur objects here ,have u light objects add them to the simulated array TODO: here , nothing i think Version: V1.0 Beta */ private ["_objects","_simulated"]; if (ws_custom1 == 0) exitWith { if (ws_debug == 0)exitWith {}; diag_log "WsObjects CUSTOM1 OBJECTS Disabled"; }; _simulated = ["Land_LampAirport_F","Land_LampHalogen_F","Land_LampSolar_F","Land_PortableLight_single_F","Land_PortableLight_double_F","MetalBarrel_burning_F","Exile_Construction_CampFire_Static"]; if (ws_custom1 == 1) exitWith { if (ws_debug == 1) then { diag_log "WsObjects CUSTOM1 OBJECTS Enabled"; }; _objects = [ //OBJECTS ]; { _object = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _object = allowDamage false; if (_x select 4) then { _object setDir (_x select 2); _object setPos (_x select 1); } else { _object setPosATL (_x select 1); _object setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3); } if((_x select 0) in _simulated)then{ _object enableSimulation true; }else{ _object enableSimulation false; }; } forEach _objects; if (ws_debug == 0)exitWith {}; diag_log "WsObjects CUSTOM1 OBJECTS Spawned"; };