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About Toasty1324

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  1. Toasty1324

    Tanoa and APEX

    Best Post Ever
  2. Toasty1324

    Tanoa and APEX

    @Eichi How about an Exile_Tanoa version and just another one? Sounds like a lot of work...but why not ^^ Someone said that every budy will be able to use the Apex weapons in the normal game without requiring the DLC, are you sure about that?
  3. How about ATMs? For new players it will be a bit hard to not die until you can efford a safe and base. So it would be shit if there is no other way to store money... So how about adding ATMs? Maybe not in the SafeZone but in Citys arround.... Would be nice if someone has simmilar ideas and/or some critics to this idea.
  4. Toasty1324


    just saw the update in the changelog and now i'm kinda depressed I have to say... Added: Czech Republic and The Netherlands country flags How about adding an Austrian flag? Would be really nice greets Thank you!
  5. Toasty1324

    Kein Update im November

    Naja manche Serveranbieter machen das einen recht leicht. Die Server in denen viel arbeit steckt. wo zB. costum viel gemacht wurde... die sind meistens Gut besucht! Ich finde es einfach lächerlich und verdammt unhöflich moddern die Schuld zugeben das Server leer sind weil sie ihr Update verschoben haben. Keiner zwingt euch exile auf eurem server anzubieten! unter dem Motto "first world problems" einem Mod Team die GRATIS eine Mod anbieten vorwürfe zu machen... best regards Toast aka Fixi Hartmann
  6. Toasty1324

    Kein Update im November

    Ziemlich lächerlich das ihr euch alle aufregt! Es ist und bleibt(bis 1.0 :b) eine BETA! Das viele Server leer sind "nur" aufs Update zu schieben ist auch lächerlichst... einfach schwachsinn.. chillt einfach mal ne runde und freut euch auf das Update und spielt halt mal was anderes ;) #nopatchnovember
  7. When you buy a heli, it spawns unlocked really far away from you, so it should be locked when you buy it.
  8. WUUUUUHUUUUUU When can we expect the new build? What i also mentioned in my Thread but not in my comment. Why do helis spawn unlocked or why do you don't spawn in them? is this a bug or do you want it like this? Thanks!
  9. Whats about a Goodmode cooldown? You run out of the savezone and you have 20sec extra where you have godmode and can't shoot. This would minimize the Trader Camping!
  10. Toasty1324


    Hello, I have some problems with trader and save zone system at the moment. Problem 1: Helicopters(don't know if cars&stuff too) spawn unlocked... major problem... heli got stolen several times.... because sometimes other people are nearer and fly away.. sure there is a code after the restart but the can crash it or sell it. Problem 2: Yesterday i ran out of the traderzone/savezone and got shot.. about 20m behind the godmodearea... sure trader camping is on the most server against the rules but you know the people a lot of people give a shit about them Solution for problem one: stuff you bought should spawn locked.... Solution for problem two: The player gets 10-30 seconds godmode when he leaves the area... Should be possible.. some servers have the 20sec more goodmode when you leave the savezone.. i think it should be for every server. I would love to see my "solutions" in the next update greets