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About JaykePC

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  • Birthday 10/10/1993

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  1. JaykePC

    Starting a new server - would like some info on mods!

    Do you have access to phpmyadmin?
  2. JaykePC

    Starting a new server - would like some info on mods!

    Starting money is done through the database, you change the default value for 'money' to the amount you want, in your case 10k. Config files in DMS missions, the way it works is there are 4 or 5 difficulties, easy, moderate, difficult, hard and so on. It's set up to randomly choose between those, I forget where exactly it is but its in the config files. Status bar I think was an epoch mod converted, I dont know where you can find that.
  3. JaykePC

    Looking for a server

    Come and check out Exile Pianosa!
  4. JaykePC

    flags stop loot spawns

    Funnily enough I placed a flag pole under a loot spawn, when I returned to my test base to continue building I always got 'Loot has spawned'? I will test this later, are you sure its the flags blocking the loot?
  5. JaykePC

    Server isn't Saving correctly

    Indeed, I use the Exile restart method and I have no issues at all. Server locks/kicks 3 minutes prior to scheduled restart, my batch script then closes arma3server and reboots it, repeats every 3 hours not had any roll-back issues yet.
  6. JaykePC

    How do I give people starting money?

    As stated above, edit the default value for 'money'. Every new user that joins will start with X amount.
  7. JaykePC

    Linux Server Installation Guide

    Quit out of arma, delete the mods you use from your arma mods list then re-import them, relaunch and it should work. Had this error before, when/if I get it again ill post what it says on the console, something about character deleted I forgot.
  8. JaykePC

    Linux Server Installation Guide

    Im using Debian 7, linux is a bit more of a faf to get it running but I am happy with the results.
  9. JaykePC

    Auto Mission Select

    What is your launch parameter? I am on Linux and this is mine bare in mind I use a different map so ignore the Pianosa. Feel free to head onto my teamspeak 'Vexity.net' and ill discuss support over there. ./arma3server -name=Vexity -config=@ExileServer/config.cfg -cfg=@ExileServer/basic.cfg -serverMod=@ExileServer -mod="@Exile;@Pianosa" -autoinit
  10. JaykePC

    Auto Mission Select

    In your config file, make sure your using the default one I think it was inside @ExileServer, at the bottom you should see this; class Missions { class Exile { template = Exile.Altis; difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcore }; };From what I can remember, this is what selects the mission automatically.
  11. JaykePC

    Exile Logos

    Just what I needed for a linkback, thanks!
  12. JaykePC

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Got it running perfectly, a few issues with one of the missions I had tested. The Walmart/Ikea or what ever mission has the building where the doors swing open takes far to long to switch to completed. I also noticed, AI missions do not despawn even when completed? Nevermind, I am retarded. Your mission system is absolutely fantastic, your config file is pretty much flawless on any/every setting that could need to be changed. Thank you very much!
  13. JaykePC

    Shared ban list?

    You sure its not a BE ban?