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About Big_Country

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  1. Big_Country

    question about upcoming DB wipe

    I wonder if they could give us an idea of when this update is coming? I am just wondering if I should still work on my Base or Not Thanks
  2. Big_Country

    Thermal scanner pro

    What are you talking about? I will rek you!!!!
  3. Big_Country

    Thermal scanner pro

  4. Big_Country

    Thermal scanner pro

  5. Big_Country

    Why am I losing respect?

    Solution....stop duping lol
  6. Big_Country

    Looking for Clan/Group/ New server

    Go to the Legion server. It's always a high pop. They also have their own public TS with a lot of players on there.
  7. Big_Country

    restrict the amount of territories

    +1 please limit this ASAP.
  8. Big_Country

    Thank you to the Devs

    Thanks dudes. I don't care what the server hosters say!
  9. Big_Country

    4 versions in 24 hours? This is ridiculous

    I would actually wipe all the servers since the duping has been fixed. Put everyone On a even playing field.
  10. Do you Guys Run Any Other Mods On Your server?
  11. Big_Country

    13.37 EUR Donation hype train

    If I donate, can I receive respect rather than pop tabs? Thanks
  12. Big_Country

    looking for 4- 10 active players.

    Hello all. I'm looking to join a group that is active all the time. I live in the US and was wondering if there were others players as addicted to this game as I am. I can also install other mods for exile if need be. It will need to be a high pop server though. Thanks
  13. Big_Country

    0.9.20 "Tomato"

    Some military bases are not spawning any loot at all? I sat outside of one by the coast for a good 30 minutes and nothing
  14. Big_Country

    0.9.20 "Tomato"
