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About Jobey

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  1. Jobey

    [ZeroDead] Hardcore Kerama

    Just remember to bring enough ammo as i failed todo! Good FPS and solid group of players almost always on
  2. Jobey

    [ZeroDead] Hardcore Kerama

    So much fun to play on this map again, death is everywhere you look! The added custom bits really fit well and have been well thought out. This was the map that got me to join this clan in the first place and that feeling of heart pumping fear when you know someone is watching you and you are low on ammo cant be beat. Will be sticking around for a long time to come and i hope to see you all in there
  3. Jobey

    [SOLVED] Base delete billboard.

    sorry i know its a kind of old post but was hoping for some insight, i have set the path to my custom\image.paa but the billboard is just black, is there a set size the paa has to be? am i able to use jpg? any help would be awesome