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  1. bliskin

    Get Infected and Die DayZ

    Hello everyone we have setup a new server. If you find a bug or have a feature request for the server pls post it here and also on our forum I hope everyone will enjoy.
  2. bliskin

    Get Infected and Die DayZ

    Your vehicles are protected from theft in safe zones but do not leave them unattended after restart because they unlock.
  3. bliskin

    Get Infected and Die DayZ

    Server Features: Direct connect or trough A3L Custom Loot Tables Wide selection of military vehicles to lay waste to your enemies roaming AI AI creates roadblocks Military vehicles spawn at roadblocks Zombies get crazy at night **soon** Custom built new military areas to discover **issues** ACE3 deletes player position marker *we are working on solution ^^solved with soldier tracker ALiVE messes up hud (group markers etc.) *fix relog deleting waypoints *fix put all in one spot then delete Server Mods: Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) JSRS SOUNDMOD (optional) ADVANCED LIGHT INFANTRY VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT (ALiVE) CBA_A3 Exile Zombies and Demons RZ Infection
  4. bliskin

    ACiDy Configurable Spawn & Trade zones [w8ing 4 patch]

    Took me roughly 4 hours to update to 0.9.4 thanks to Zacks and everyone who contributed to the thread.
  5. bliskin

    Why do you host an exile-server?

    I host for my own enjoyment and best part of Cartmanland - You can't come
  6. bliskin

    Scheduler Issue

    I restart my server every 4 hours and this scheduler works for me. I modified it from one posted in this thread, thank you very much. Here it is and I have it running on my box.
  7. bliskin

    BEC/Mbcon/RCON Setup

    I take some time to make this post because I had such a hard time with this myself. I got Bec running by moving battleye from arma 3 folder to a folder which has no spaces in the file path that is specified in Bec config like C:\battleye. I specified new battleye path in my server start.bat -bepath=C:\BattlEye. Other voodoo I did was I copied beserver.cfg to Bec folder and unblocked all the .dll files. I dont know if all this was necessary but it works now. And not to forget entries in the hosts file. This is most important startbec.bat Bec would not run without --dsc and becpath and it and this has to be run in windows scheduler with the highest privileges. I run this every 4 hours. Here is my killexileandbec.bat file that I use to kill Exile server and Bec. I run it with windows scheduler every 4 hours. Here is my start.bat that also monitor the server and restarts it when it goes down.
  8. ok, I replaced class CfgLootTables and class CfgExileArsenal but server was saying I was missing }; so I added it to the end of config.cpp but I dont see anything for sale on the traders. class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Abstract { skins[] = { {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Black", 100}, {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_White", 100}, {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Red", 100}, {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla01", 150}, {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla02", 150}, {"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla03", 150} }; }; }; }; <--added this
  9. bliskin

    hourly server broadcast messages

    Iam looking for alternative ways to display messages at server restart because Exile's messages are not working for me so Iam adapting your script to broadcast restart messages if you don't mind. ShootingBlanks could you please post how to use the hint formatting it looks so much better. work in progress -->>
  10. bliskin

    Auto-Restart (Release)

    Excellent that means I can probably fix it but I don't know where I fucked up
  11. bliskin

    Auto-Restart (Release)

    This is what I needed thanks. How are restart warning messages handled without BEC scheduler when Exile's own system appears not to work?
  12. bliskin

    Spec server dedicated

    My connection is fiber optic 100Mbps up/down. Peak upload was 14.7 Mbps for 75 players in the server and download was a lot less. Your connection atleast is pretty good.
  13. bliskin

    script that activate on nighttime only?

    28 days later zombie hordes at night is a cool idea. I use this, its not mine but it works for me. I only use it for night fog and day/night cycle though.