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  1. Peel

    R3F Exile

    Although you gotta give the guy credit for ingenuity and creativity who would've even thought that one up lol
  2. Peel

    Cannibalism And More Builds

    2 men enter 1 man leaves.......................... The other is lunch
  3. Peel

    Back Rocket Equipment slot

    Actually Jason had a decent idea, There was a mod that we used back in my A2 milsim days that would let you let you do something like that and it wasn't OP because you were still limited by weight and you couldn't just switch between them on the fly, you actually had to open your inventory and swtich between the two which took a decent amount of time. I could see this being an option so that if say your running a weapons mod will use mas for example say you want to have a shotgun for say poping some zed skulls in a small town but want to be able to also have an m4 for when you come up against roaming ai or if you get swarmed and need something with more rounds you can take cover switch and continue.
  4. Peel

    Task Force Feedback ?

    do gotta ask is this the same falcon911 I think it is from back in the survival op days
  5. Peel


    Actually would be kind of nice to have if only for the that it would bring back hilarious memories from a2 epoch, who doesn't remember chasing people around with the chainsaws lol
  6. Peel

    Task Force Feedback ?

    Sounds likes a good project will have to check the permissions for tfar and cba first and see if we can, if we can get it working I see it having a lot of potential for other peoples servers also since tfar to me feels like it fits really well with the theme of exile
  7. Peel

    Task Force Feedback ?

    That's my bad, sorry about that had a total complete brain fart, you do need CBA for it to work with exile, for about the dependencies. I'm trying to remember I think there was something I had messed with in the past that was like tfar but cant remember what it was, I know it wasn't acre, although did love acre for arma 2 and I know they did make a version called acre2 for arma 3, don't know if it is still around or not. Ill do some digging around and see what I can find, I know ive seen it working on a few different life servers before and I think someone had found away around having to have CBA somehow.
  8. Even if you set it to just give respect for killing zombies would be nice since the zombies make it a real challenge to survive for any amount of time I think you should get respect even if its not as much as a player kill would be nice
  9. Peel

    Task Force Feedback ?

    Went full retard, my bad. But you do have to remember to set it up the way you want it, would recommend setting it to spawn with the radio in the radio slot instead of the backpack radio, also its nice being able to mount a radio in a vehicle to. Been working with dobrowney on his server and its working good.