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About Spad

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  1. Spad


    I mean, it's not too hard to get around that. If you see a UAV disappear, chances are it'll get reassembled at some point. As soon as it's down again, it shows up in the drop down menu of the UAV terminal. There is almost no way for someone to connect to it after placing it as fast as someone watching and waiting can. I'm 3/3 success rate doing this so far. It feels incredibly broken, but I love the UAV feature. Just wish it was implemented better.
  2. Spad


    I actually stole someone's UAV yesterday this way. I felt bad, but not bad enough not to pocket it. I'm actually somewhat disappointed, because originally I was a big fan of using the UAV. Now, I feel vulnerable since everyone with a terminal knows where it is. It actually shows up on the map, very very clearly. So, I too would like to see UAVs at least bind to whoever assembled them. It'd be great if you could share it with people in only your party, but that's probably asking too much from Arma.